Jumat, 29 April 2011

FINA Diving World Series Comes to Close in Mexico -- April 25, 2011

THE team of China got six out of the eight titles on offer in the fourth and final leg of the FINA/Midea Diving World Series 2011, held in Guanajuato (MEX), on April 22-23. The only non-Chinese victories went to the local divers, with Yahel Castillo/Daniel Islas winning the men's 3m springboard and Ivan Garcia/German Sanchez triumphing in the men's 10m platform synchro.

Among the Chinese "armada", Zi He was the best in the women's 3m springboard, while Hu Yadan was the most consistent diver in the women's 10m platform. In the men's field, and in the individual events, He Chong finished first in the 3m springboard and Bo Qiu obtained his fourth consecutive win in the 10m platform.

After the four legs of the FINA/Midea Diving World Series, held in Moscow (RUS), Beijing (CHN), Sheffield (GBR) and Guanajuato (MEX), the team of China triumphed in five of the eight events in the overall ranking. The list of the 2011 overall winners is as follows: 

3m springboard: Kai Qin (CHN), 70 points
10m platform: Bo Qiu (CHN), 72 pts
3m springboard synchro: Yahel Castillo/Daniel Islas (MEX), 84 pts
10m platform synchro: Sascha Klein/Patrick Hausding (GER), 87 pts

3m springboard: Zi He (CHN), 70 points
10m platform: Paola Espinosa (MEX), 46 pts
3m springboard synchro: Zi He/Wu Minxia (CHN), 108 pts
10m platform synchro: Ruolin Chen/Hao Wang (CHN), 108 pts

Men's 3m springboard: 1. Chong He (CHN) 519.20; 2. Kai Qin (CHN) 518.75; 3. Yahel Castillo (MEX) 507.05
Men's 10m platform: 1. Bo Qiu (CHN) 582.45; 2. Thomas Daley (GBR) 562.80; 3. Rommel Pacheco (MEX) 540.90
Men's 3m springboard synchro: 1. Yahel Castillo/Daniel Islas (MEX) 437.07; 2. Troy Dumais/Kristian Ipsen (USA) 431.28; 3. Oleksiy Prygorov/Illya Kvasha (UKR) 410.58
Men's 10m platform synchro: 1. Ivan Garcia/German Sanchez (MEX) 446.73; 2. David Boudia/Thomas Finchum (USA) 437.10; 3. Jose Guerra Oliva/Jeinkler Aguirre (CUB) 433.71

Women's 3m springboard: 1. Zi He (CHN) 385.05; 2. Jennifer Abel (CAN) 353.55; 3. Kassidy Cook (USA) 336.60
Women's 10m platform: 1. Yadan Hu (CHN) 399.75; 2. Hao Wang (CHN) 392.80; 3. Melissa Wu (AUS) 392.25
Women's 3m springboard synchro: 1. Zi He/Minxia Wu (CHN) 332.70; 2. Jennifer Abel/Emilie Heymans (CAN) 306.30; 3. Anastasia Pozdniakova/Svetlana Filippova (RUS) 293.94
Women's 10m platform synchro: 1. Ruolin Chen/Hao Wang (CHN) 353.70; 2. Meaghan Benfeito/Roseline Filion (CAN) 327.45; 3. Alexandra Croak/Melissa Wu (AUS) 323.22

Swimming world magazine

Senin, 25 April 2011

Plus Minus dari Olahraga Lari, Renang dan Sepeda

Bisa jadi lari, sepeda dan renang adalah 3 jenis olahraga yang banyak dilakukan oleh masyarakat. Tapi bagaimana perbandingan dari ketiga jenis olahraga ini?
Lari, sepeda dan renang adalah latihan kardio yang paling populer dan hampir semua orang memiliki akses untuk melakukannya. Semua kegiatan ini bisa memberikan tubuh yang sehat dan pembakar kalori yang sangat baik.
Untuk mengetahui perbedaan ketiganya, maka simaklah perbandingan ketiga jenis olahraga ini seperti dikutip dariLifemojo, Senin (25/4/2011) yaitu:

Kemampuan membakar kalori
Lari: olahraga ini merupakan pembakar kalori terbaik diantara yang lain, seseorang bisa saja membakar 500-800 kalori per jam
Sepeda: olahraga ini umumnya membakar kalori sebanyak 350-650 kalori per jam
Renang: olahraga ini bisa membakar 350-700 kalori per jam

Risiko cedera
Lari: merupakan salah satu olahraga dengan rawan cedera tertinggi akibat adanya tekanan yang terkait dengan latihan tersebut
Sepeda: olahraga ini memiliki dampak risiko yang rendah
Renang: olahraga ini memiliki dampak risiko yang lebih rendah pada tungkai, sendi dan otot karena adanya sifat mendukung dari air. Studi menunjukkan olahraga dalam air setinggi pinggang akan mengurangi tekanan pada sendi sebesar 50 persen, jika setinggi dada mengurangi tekanan pada sendi sebanyak 75 persen. Hal ini membuat olahraga kolam bagus untuk orang yang baru pulih dari cedera.

Lari: biaya yang dikeluarkan bisa dibilang tidak ada karena dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan kapan saja, hanya dibutuhkan sepasang sepatu lari yang nyaman.
Sepeda: biaya yang dikeluarkan terbilang mahal, hal ini tergantung dari jenis sepeda yang dipilihnya.
Renang: olahraga ini terbilang murah dari segi peralatan, yang dibutuhkan hanya sebuah akses mudah untuk masuk ke kolam renang.

Efek terhadap tubuh
Lari: termasuk latihan beban yang bisa membantu membangun kepadatan tulang dan melindungi dari osteoporosis. Latihan ini bagus untuk kaki terutama betis dan paha belakang.
Sepeda: latihan ini bagus untuk membentuk dan mengencangkan paha, paha depan, otot-otot betis dan daerah panggul.
Renang: latihan ini umumnya memberikan manfaat bagi tubuh secara menyeluruh, tapi secara konsisten bisa membangun kepadatan kaki, punggung, bahu dan otot lengan.

Manfaat secara kardio
Lari: meningkatkan aliran darah dan sirkulasi oksigen ke seluruh tubuh sehingga bermanfaat bagi memori, konsentrasi dan ketahanan fisik.
Sepeda: latihan ini baik untuk jantung dan dapat mengurangi timbulnya penyakitjantung.
Renang: melatih tubuh agar bisa menggunakan oksigen secara efisien.

Tidak dianjurkan pada
Lari: orang yang memiliki masalah dasar pada jantung sebaiknya menghindari olahraga ini, serta orang dengan masalah pada pergelangan kaki, lutut dan sendi pinggul.
Sepeda: olahraga ini tidak dianjurkan pada orang yang memiliki masalah tubuh bagian belakang dan rheumatoid
Renang: olahraga ini tidak dianjurkan pada orang yang fobia terhadap air

Bagi orang yang memiliki penyakit diabetes, asma, angina (gangguan jantung), tekanan darah tinggi atau baru melakukan operasi, sebaiknya berkonsultasi terlebih dahulu dengan dokter. Karenanya pemilihan jenis olahraga yang tepat sepenuhnya tergantung pada kondisi kesehatan serta tujuan dari berolahraga.(gik/gik/ Vera Farah Bararah – detikSurabaya

Kostum Pengaruhi Percaya Diri Atlet

Tidak hanya faktor lapangan dan lawan yang bisa memengaruhi konsentrasi atlet saat bertanding, kostum yang dikenakan juga punya pengaruh besar. Salah pilih kostum bisa-bisa menurunkan mental pemain sebelum bertanding.
Itulah salah satu poin yang disampaikan psikolog, Dr Hastaning Sakti, saat memberikan bimbingan psikologi bagi tim voli pantai Pelatda Jateng, sebelum melakukan latihan rutin di lapangan voli pantai Unnes, Sekaran, Minggu (24/4) sore. Hastaning menyatakan pemilihan kostum merupakan bagian dari penegasan eksistensi atlet ketika di lapangan.
"Pada prinsipnya ada ciri yang bisa dilihat dari seorang atlet. Secara sepintas bisa langsung disimpulkan seorang atlet sangat kuat, hebat, dan penuh semangat dari warna kostum yang dipakainya," katanya.
Di sisi lain, menurutnya, sering juga terlihat atlet begitu lemah, tidak berdaya, dan kurang bersemangat, bahkan sebelum pertandingan dimulai. Hal itu bakal menjatuhkan mental pemain. Salah satu pemain, Muslikun, menanyakan bagaimana mengatasi grogi saat di lapangan. Menurut Hastaning, salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan mencoba menguasai lapangan tempat pertandingan.
"Penguasaan itu bisa berupa menginjakkan kaki di atas pasir bagi pemain voli pantai atau mencelupkan kaki di air kolam renang, bagi atlet renang, sambil berkata dalam hati bahwa saya bisa menguasai lapangan ini," katanya. 
Lebih lanjut, ia menyebutkan untuk menciptakan tim yang solid, dibutuhkan kekompakan antara pengurus, pelatih, dan atlet. Pengurus harus mau terbuka terhadap pelatih dan pemain.
Menurutnya, tim psikolog KONI Jateng juga harus sering berkunjung ke tempat latihan atlet. Hal tersebut dilakukan agar tim ini bisa terus dekat dengan atlet dan membuatmereka tidak canggung jika ingin bercerita masalah pribadi atau seputar latihan. "Karena itu setiap atlet harus terbuka ketika mereka punya masalah," tandasnya.
Pemberian motivasi psikologi ini sekaligus sebagai bekal bagi atlet voli pantai Jateng sebelum turun pada babak Pra-PON 26 Juni - 2 Juli di padepokan voli sentul, Bogor. Para pemain itu adalah, di bagian putra, Muslikun, M Kholil, Ainun Naim, Andika Saputra, Bagus Kurniawan, dan Dwi Surono.
Adapun di bagian putri terdapat Vita Indra Mustika, Vitri Wijayanti, Suparyanti, Hapsari Dewi Jayanti, Bela Riswardani, dan Anissa Tindy Lestari. Para pemain ini merupakan hasil seleksi yang dilakukan pada 1-3 April lalu. (Nurul Muttaqin/CN26)/suara merdeka cybernews)

Fenomena Atlet Bayaran Makin Meresahkan

Pengurus Persatuan Bulu Tangkis Seluruh Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan mengantisipasi kemungkinan munculnya sejumlah atlet bayaran yang tampil di babak kualifikasi PON di Makassar, 26 Juli 2011.
Ketua Harian PBSI Sulsel Haruna Hamid, di Makassar, Selasa (19/4/2011), mengatakan, pihaknya akan meminta kepada panitia untuk lebih serius dalam registrasi atlet. Pihaknya juga berharap panitia tidak segan mencoret atlet yang bermasalah tersebut.
"Kita ingin babak kualifikasi nanti berjalan fair dan tidak ada lagi yang namanya atlet dadakan. Kita juga meminta agar pihak panitia lebih hati-hati untuk meloloskan setiap atlet pada dalam proses registrasi," katanya.
Kekhawatiran PBSI Sulsel terkait adanya kemungkinan atlet yang memilih menggunakan atlet luar yang tidak sesuai aturan memang cukup beralasan. Maklum, belakangan ini banyak pihak yang ingin meraih hasil maksimal dengan cara instan tanpa memerhatikan aturan.
Menurut Haruna, jika berdasarkan aturan pelaksanaan PON, setiap atlet yang ingin memperkuat provinsi lain harus mendapat persetujuan kedua daerah di mana atlet tersebut bernaung. Hal itu juga bisa dilakukan minimal dua tahun sebelum pelaksanaan PON.
"Kita tidak ingin melihat ada atlet Jawa, misalnya, yang tiba-tiba sudah memperkuat provinsi lain. Selain tidak sesuai aturan, hal itu juga sangat merugikan tim seperti kita yang loyal pembinaan atlet daerah sendiri," jelasnya.
Mengenai peluang Sulsel untuk lolos ke PON XVIII Riau 2012. Ia mengaku cukup optimistis. Sebab, selain Sulsel bertindak selaku tuan rumah, pihaknya juga telah mempersiapkan atlet dengan lebih matang.
Kualifikasi PON yang akan digelar di Makassar akan diikuti sejumlah provinsi, antara lain Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Barat, Sulawesi Tengah, Maluku, hingga Papua. "Jika melihat lawan yang akan kita hadapi pada Pra PON nanti, tentu kita sangat optimistis mampu memberikan hasil terbaik," ujarnya. (kompas.com)

DIVING WORLD SERIES 2011 - Guanajuato, Day 2: Three more wins for China to conclude the 2011 series

Claudia Ruiz, FINA Press Correspondent in Mexico

China ended with a "concert of perfection" the fourth stage of the FINA/Midea Diving World Series, namely thanks to Qiu Bo, the “king” of the men's 10m platform, event that he won in the four legs of the series in Moscow, Beijing, Sheffield and Guanajuato.
In Mexico, the last event of the 2011 competition held on April 22-23, Qiu Bo received two perfect 10 from the judges and finished his six-dive effort with a total of 582.45 points and another gold medal in his pocket. World champion Thomas Daley (GBR) was also in great shape and obtained the silver medal with 562.80 points, while Rommel Pacheco (MEX), certainly inspired by the Mexican audience, got the bronze with 540.90 points.
The second triumph for China happened in the women’s 3m springboard, where He Zi got her third crown of the series with 385.05 points. Jennifer Abel (CAN), who was the revelation among the women in this event, was second with 353.55 points and Kassidy Cook (USA) finished third with 336.60. He Zi had also won in Sheffield and Moscow, while Wu Minxia was the best in Beijing.
Chen Ruolin and Hao Wang (CHN) also managed a perfect Grand Slam in the women’s 10m platform synchro, winning in Guanajuato their fourth title of the series with a total of 353.70. They were accompanied in the podium by Meaghan Benfeito and Roseline Filion (CAN), silver medallists with 327.45 and Alexandra Croak/Melissa Wu (AUS), third with 323.22.
A very emotional moment for Mexico was the gold medal from Yahel Castillo and Daniel Islas in the men’s 3m springboard synchro. In front of their fans, they were the most consistent team throughout the event, finishing first with 437.07 points. Troy Dumais and Kristian Ipsen (USA) were second with 431.28 and Illya Kvasha/Prygorov Oleksiy third with 410.58. Luo Yutong and Qin Kai (CHN) did not participate in Guanajuato but were the winners in Moscow, Beijing and Sheffield.
In Guanajuato, China won six titles and Mexico got gold and two bronze medals, which constituted one of the surprises of the fourth and final leg of the FINA/Midea Diving World Series 2011.
The stands of the Macro Centre in Guanajuato were filled with many enthusiastic fans during the two-day event (overall, more than 2500 persons), who certainly appreciated the performances of the 69 participating divers from 13 countries.

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Kejurda Renang Jateng 2011: Solo Geser Purbalingga dan Semarang

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA- Tim renang Kota Solo sukses menjadi kampiun pada gelaran Kejurda Jateng 2011 yang berlangsung di kolam renang Jatidiri, Semarang, Sabtu (16/4) lalu. Solo pun mampu mengungguli daerah-daerah kuat lainnya seperti Purbalingga dan Kota Semarang.
"Untuk dua kota itu berada di peringkat kedua dan ketiga. Kami keluar sebagai juara umum dengan 25 emas, 13 perak, dan 18 perunggu," kata Ketua Umum Pengkot Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia (PRSI) Surakarta Devi Rachyuanto, Rabu (20/4).
Turun dengan kekuatan penuh dengan lebih dari sepuluh perenang, Solo memang memasang target tinggi pada kejuaraan tersebut. Devy sendiri optimistis atlet-atletnya mampu berprestasi dengan melihat hasil yang telah dicapai selama ini. "Terbukti kami bisa meraih emas di semua nomor dan gaya yang dilombakan," imbuh dia.
Sapto Nugroho di bagian putra dan Felicia Angelica di sektor putri menjadi dua perenang yang sama-sama menyumbangkan medali emas terbanyak bagi kontingen kota Bengawan. Sapto total menyumbangkan enam emas salah satunya di nomor 400 meter gaya bebas.
Adapun Felicia tidak mau ketinggalan dan total memperoleh tujuh emas yang salah satu di antaranya didapatkan lewat nomor 200 meter gaya ganti. Perolehannya, bahkan lebih unggul satu emas di banding dengan total yang dipersembahkan Sapto. "Sisa medali lainnya dipersembahkan oleh perenang-perenang lain kami," tambah Devy.
Keberhasilan Felicia, lanjut Devy, berlanjut di ajang Pekan Olahraga Pelajar Daerah (Popda). Mengambil tempat yang sama, Felicia mampu meraih lima emas yang membawanya lolos ke Pekan Olahraga Pelajar Nasional (Popnas) di Jakarta, medio Oktober mendatang.
"Untuk dia (Felicia-Red) langsung masuk ke tim Jateng A yang berisikan perenang-perenang yang bisa mendekati limit SEA Games. Adapun tim Jateng B bermaterikan perenang yang bisa mampu mendekati limit nasional, kami diwakili sekitar 13 orang," tandas Devy.(Gading Persada/CN26/ CyberNews.) 

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Kejurnas:Jatim Siapkan 51 Atlet Untuk Kejurnas di Surabaya

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-Pengurus Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia Provinsi Jawa Timur menyiapkan 51 atlet terbaiknya untuk menghadapi kejuaraan nasional di Surabaya pada 14-16 Mei 2011.
Manajer Puslatda Renang Jatim, Herlambang Wijaya, di Surabaya, Senin (18/4) mengatakan, atlet yang diturunkan terdiri atas 20 orang penghuni Pemusatan Latihan Daerah (Puslatda) proyeksi PON 2012 dan atlet daerah hasil seleksi.
"Kejurnas ini merupakan salah satu rangkaian prakualifikasi PON 2012, selain KRAPSI (Kejuaraan Renang Antar-Perkumpulan Seluruh Indonesia) dan Indonesia Terbuka," katanya.
Ia mengatakan, sebagai tuan rumah, Jatim menargetkan bisa meloloskan seluruh atlet Puslatda pada PON 2012 di Riau.
"Seluruh atlet terus melakukan persiapan secara intensif, karena dipastikan persaingan di kejurnas nanti cukup ketat," tambah Herlambang yang juga Ketua Harian (demisioner) PRSI Jatim.
Menurut Herlambang, hampir seluruh perenang terbaik dari berbagai daerah akan turun, termasuk beberapa perenang yang saat ini bergabung di Pemusatan Latihan Nasional (Pelatnas).
"Kalau mereka tidak berlaga di kejurnas ini, jelas akan rugi karena ajang ini menjadi salah satu jalan menuju PON 2012," jelasnya. (ant/zul/Bola.net)

FINA 10K Marathon Swimming World Cup, Santos: Thomas Lurz, Cecilia Biagoli Win

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-LAUSANNE, Switzerland, April 18. 92 open water swimmers (43 women and 49 men) took the departure in Santos (BRA) on April 17 for a 2-hour effort at the opening leg of the 2011 FINA 10km Marathon Swimming World Cup.

Europe dominated the operations in the men's race, with "sprint" (5km) distance ace Thomas Lurz (GER) powering home and racing for the win in 2h06m05s and closely followed by consistent performer Spyridon Gianniotis from Greece, who clocked 2h06m08s. Spain's Francisco Jose Hervas was pleased to take the bronze in this difficult World Cup leg (2h06m13s), where 23 swimmers crossed the finish line within the same second. The race finished at the podium's door for home favourite Allan Do Carmo.

In the women's race, things were not as close, with Argentina's 26-year-old Cecilia Biagoli winning in convincing fashion with a time of 2h12m33s. Two other South Americans occupied the remaining podium spots: 2009 World Cup champion Poliana Okimoto (BRA) delighted the local fans with the second place (2h13m07s) while newcomer Andreina Pinto (VEN) obtained her first podium appearance in a FINA competition, touching the wall at 2h13m09s. 2010 World Cup winner Ana Marcela Cunha (BRA) and veteran swimmer Angela Maurer (GER) placed fifth and sixth, respectively, while long-distance specialist Pilar Geijo (ARG) finished a disappointing 18th. 

Full FINA 10km Marathon Swimming World Cup 2011 calendar:
Race 1: April 17, 2011 in Santos (BRA)
Race 2: April 30, 2011 in Cancun (MEX)
Race 3: June 18, 2011 in Setubal (POR)
Race 4: July 24, 2011 in Lac St-Jean (CAN)
Race 5: August 13, 2011 in Lac Megantic (CAN)
Race 6: September 25, 2011 in Shantou (CHN)
Race 7: October 2, 2011 in Hong Kong (HKG)


Senin, 18 April 2011

Jatim Tuan Rumah Pra-PON Renang

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-SURABAYA – Kejurnas Renang sekaligus Prakualifikasi PON 2012 tahap kedua dipastikan akan terselenggara di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Penunjukan ini lantaran Jatim dinilai PB Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia (PRSI), memiliki sarana yang kompatible dalam menggelar even nasional dan perebutan tiket PON Riau itu.
Menurut Ketua Harian (demisioner) Pengprov PRSI Jatim, Herlambang Wijaya, penunjukkan Jatim sebagai tuan rumah sudah melalui surat keputusan (SK) dari PB PRSI. “Tinggal kami harus segera bersiap-siap menggelar sekaligus menghadapi even itu,” katanya saat dihubungi, Minggu (16/4).
Kejurnas Renang dan Pra-PON 2012 semula diperebutkan beberapa provinsi, tapi Jatim yang dipilih lantaran memiliki keunggulan kolam renang berstandar internasional. Herlambang menyatakan, even ini dapat dipastikan akan diikuti semua perenang se-Indonesia. Rencananya akan digelar 14-16 Mei di Kolam Renang KONI Jatim, Jl Kertajaya Indah.
“Daerah yang tidak tampil dalam even ini akan merugi, karena even ini merupakan even untuk memperbutkan tiket tampil di PON 2012. Memang ada beberapa Pra-PON, masuk prakualifikasi pertama di Semarang bersamaan dengan KRAPSI pada 2010 lalu,” ujar dia.
Ditambahkan, masih ada beberapa even lagi yang sekaligus menjadi ajang Pra-PON. Even itu adalah Indonesia Open (Pra-PON ketiga), sekitar Agustus, dan KRAPSI (Pra-PON keempat) pada Desember 2011. Sedangkan Kejurnas 2011 di Surabaya nanti sebagai Pra-PON kedua.
Herlambang yang terpilih sebagai salah satu formatur dalam Musorprov PRSI Jatim 2011, menambahkan, Kejurnas/Pra-PON harus dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin bagi perenang-perenang Jatim untuk bisa lolos maksimal. “Kuota kita dari KONI 20 atlet, jadi ya ke-20 atlet itu harus lolos semua ke PON Riau,” lanjut dia.
Pada PON 2008/Kaltim, Jatim mampu merebut 16 medali emas dari 40 nomor yang diperebutkan. Namun pada PON 2012 mendatang, nomornya susut menjadi 32 nomor dan Jatim ditargetkan minimal mampu merebut tujuh medali emas. “Itu target minimal, ya tentunya harus bisa lebih. Kita di Kaltim dulu juga targetnya tujuh, tapi bisa menembus 16 emas,” kata Herlambang.
Dengan pemangkasan nomor tentu merugikan bagi Jatim, termasuk beberapa nomor yang menjadi andalan provinsi ini seperti 50 m gaya dada dan 50 m gaya punggung. Namun dengan adanya beberapa perenang yang mulai menguasai nomor lain, diharapkan mampu menembus target minimal yang diharapkan. (m21/surabaya post)

Italian Long Course Nationals: Federica Pellegrini , Samuel Pizzetti Post Runner-Up World Rankings

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-RICCIONE, Italy, April 13. THE Italian Long Course Nationals kicked off today with a trio of top-five world ranked times in Riccione. 

Federica Pellegrini raced to victory in the women's 400 free with a strong time of 4:03.49. That swim stands second in the world rankings behind only Rebecca Adlington's 4:02.84 from British Nationals in March. Martina De Memme placed a distant second tonight in 4:12.05, while Alice Nesti earned third in 4:13.67. 

Samuel Pizzetti clocked a 7:49.79 to win the men's 800 free, and move to second in the world rankings behind Sun Yang's 7:44.12 from Chinese Nationals this month. Luca Baggio touched second in 7:56.71, while Rocco Potenza wound up third in 8:01.20. 

Luca Dotto hit the wall in 48.58 for the men's 100 free title. That effort pushed him to fourth in the world rankings behind James Magnussen (48.29), Fabien Gilot (48.34) and William Meynard (48.57). Filippo Magnini finished second in 49.10, while Marco Orsi took third in 49.34. 

Mattie Pesce jumped to seventh in the world rankings in the men's 50 breast with a time of 27.87, while Fabio Scozzoli turned in a second-place time of 27.90 for an eighth-place tie in the world rankings. Nicolo Ossola claimed third in 28.10. 

Caterina Giacchetti captured the women's 200 fly title in 2:09.84, while Alessia Polieri finished second in 2:10.17, while Stefanie Pirozzi grabbed third in 2:11.19. Elena Gemo picked up the women's 100 back title in 1:01.22, while Carlotta Zofkova touched a close second in 1:01.53. Arianna Barbieri placed third in 1:10.89. Mirco Di Tora claimed the men's 100 back crown in 54.42, while Stefano Pizzamiglio took second in 55.40. Fabio Laugeni earned third-place honors in 55.56. 

In relay action, Silvia Copetta, Alice Carpanese, Alice Mizzau and Giada Trentin won the women's 400 free relay in 3:45.86 (swimming world)

DIVING WORLD SERIES: Sheffield, Day 2: China completes clean sweep on day two

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-The final day of competition at the FINA/Midea Diving World Series saw the Chinese diving team re-affirm their dominance of international diving. The Chinese team secured gold in all four events on the second day in Sheffield, setting a marker for the diving world ahead of the World Championships in Shanghai this summer.
The Chinese team secured gold in all four events on the second day in Sheffield, setting a marker for the diving world ahead of the World Championships in Shanghai this summer.
The men’s 10m Platform, the sport’s blue riband event, saw elite diving at its best from all competitors throughout the competition.
China’s Qui Bo, who scored more than 600 points in the first two legs of this season’s World Series, looked on good form from his first dive, scoring 91.20.
His Armstand Back Triple Somersault piked saw him score six 10s as the crowd cheered his exit from the water.
Britain’s Tom Daley started the final well and lay in second place after the first two rounds but a mistake on his Armstand Back Triple Somersaults piked saw him lose ground, falling to the bottom of the leader board.
Daley picked up with his next two dives and while the podium places proved out of reach, he scored a season’s best 507.35 to finish fourth overall.
“To be able to get my highest score of the season when missing a dive for 5s and 5.5s is quite nice,” Daley said. “Obviously I am disappointed with one of my dives but I have just got to make sure I can try to improve and focus for my next competition in Mexico.
“My new dives are going quite well at the moment. I scored 9.5s for me Back 3.5 which is the best that I have done internationally. Overall I am really pleased with this weekend. My dives were a bit inconsistent in Moscow and Beijing so to come here and do so well has given me a bit of confidence for this season.”
Bo continued his excellence and he won gold with 586.55 points. His teammate Huo Liang captured silver with a score of 561.70 while USA’s David Boudia won bronze with a score of 534.55.
Peter Waterfield missed out on his place in the final by just 0.6 points after finishing fourth in his semi-final with a total of 468.15.
After making his return from an anterior cruciate ligament tear early last year, the British crowd cheered on Ben Swain as he made his return to competition with Nicholas Robinson-Baker in the 3m Synchro.
The British pair secured a respectable 100.80 points for their required dives and went into the third round in a strong position but it was the Chinese pair of Qin Kai and Luo Yutong that were dominating early on.
Kai and Yuntong were within reaching distance of the gold medal after their fourth dive and while they dropped their penultimate dive, they recovered with their final effort, scoring 9s to take gold with 460.23.
Silver went to Yahel Castillo and Daniel Islas (Mexico) with a score of 451.71 and the American pair of Troy Dumais and Kristian Ipsen scored 425.73 to take bronze.
Robinson-Baker and Swain finished seventh with a total of 395.88.
“I am feeling good after that performance,” Swain said. “I really wanted to do better but I got through the whole list without pain for the first time.
“It was great to be back on the boards with Nick again. It has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done to come back from injury and it felt really good to be in front of the home crowd.”
The women’s 10m Synchro saw Chinese pair, Roulin Chen and Hao Wang, secure the gold with a twenty point lead on the field.
Chen and Wang took an impressive 347.46 points to take the victory ahead of Meaghan Benfeito and Roseline Filion (Canada).
Chen said after the win: “The first two dives we have are easy ones and then our coach told us to get more focused to do much better. We aren’t always confident about winning the competition but we are good competitors and we try hard to compete our best.”
Benfeito and Filion finished with 325.71 for the silver while Australia’s Melissa Wu and Alexandra Croak took bronze with 325.26 points.
Britain’s Rebecca Gallantree and Megan Sylvester finished in fifth place with a score of 294.90. They showed impressive synchronicity after just two training sessions together.
He Zi won her second individual gold of this season’s FINA/Midea Diving World Series in the 3m Springboard after putting in a consistent performance throughout the final.
She was the only diver in the final to score a 10 and put the competition out of reach with her penultimate dive, scoring 82.50 for an excellent Reverse 2 ½ Somersaults piked.
Zi finished with a total of 396.95 to win gold. Silver went to her team-mate Minxia Wu who took a total of 370.35 while Canada’s Jennifer Abel scored 341.40 for bronze.
Gallantree finished in sixth place in the second semi-final with a score of 263.60The final day of competition at the FINA/Midea Diving World Series saw the Chinese diving team re-affirm their dominance of international diving. The Chinese team secured gold in all four events on the second day in Sheffield, setting a marker for the diving world ahead of the World Championships in Shanghai this summer.
The men’s 10m Platform, the sport’s blue riband event, saw elite diving at its best from all competitors throughout the competition. China’s Qui Bo, who scored more than 600 points in the first two legs of this season’s World Series, looked on good form from his first dive, scoring 91.20. His Armstand Back Triple Somersault piked saw him score six 10s as the crowd cheered his exit from the water.
Britain’s Tom Daley started the final well and lay in second place after the first two rounds but a mistake on his Armstand Back Triple Somersaults piked saw him lose ground, falling to the bottom of the leader board. Daley picked up with his next two dives and while the podium places proved out of reach, he scored a season’s best 507.35 to finish fourth overall.
“To be able to get my highest score of the season when missing a dive for 5s and 5.5s is quite nice,” Daley said. “Obviously I am disappointed with one of my dives but I have just got to make sure I can try to improve and focus for my next competition in Mexico.
“My new dives are going quite well at the moment. I scored 9.5s for me Back 3.5 which is the best that I have done internationally. Overall I am really pleased with this weekend. My dives were a bit inconsistent in Moscow and Beijing so to come here and do so well has given me a bit of confidence for this season.”
Bo continued his excellence and he won gold with 586.55 points. His teammate Huo Liang captured silver with a score of 561.70 while USA’s David Boudia won bronze with a score of 534.55.
Peter Waterfield missed out on his place in the final by just 0.6 points after finishing fourth in his semi-final with a total of 468.15. After making his return from an anterior cruciate ligament tear early last year, the British crowd cheered on Ben Swain as he made his return to competition with Nicholas Robinson-Baker in the 3m Synchro.
The British pair secured a respectable 100.80 points for their required dives and went into the third round in a strong position but it was the Chinese pair of Qin Kai and Luo Yutong that were dominating early on.
Kai and Yuntong were within reaching distance of the gold medal after their fourth dive and while they dropped their penultimate dive, they recovered with their final effort, scoring 9s to take gold with 460.23.
Silver went to Yahel Castillo and Daniel Islas (Mexico) with a score of 451.71 and the American pair of Troy Dumais and Kristian Ipsen scored 425.73 to take bronze.
Robinson-Baker and Swain finished seventh with a total of 395.88.
“I am feeling good after that performance,” Swain said. “I really wanted to do better but I got through the whole list without pain for the first time.
“It was great to be back on the boards with Nick again. It has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done to come back from injury and it felt really good to be in front of the home crowd.”
The women’s 10m Synchro saw Chinese pair, Roulin Chen and Hao Wang, secure the gold with a twenty point lead on the field. Chen and Wang took an impressive 347.46 points to take the victory ahead of Meaghan Benfeito and Roseline Filion (Canada).
Chen said after the win: “The first two dives we have are easy ones and then our coach told us to get more focused to do much better. We aren’t always confident about winning the competition but we are good competitors and we try hard to compete our best.”
Benfeito and Filion finished with 325.71 for the silver while Australia’s Melissa Wu and Alexandra Croak took bronze with 325.26 points.
Britain’s Rebecca Gallantree and Megan Sylvester finished in fifth place with a score of 294.90. They showed impressive synchronicity after just two training sessions together.
He Zi won her second individual gold of this season’s FINA/Midea Diving World Series in the 3m Springboard after putting in a consistent performance throughout the final. She was the only diver in the final to score a 10 and put the competition out of reach with her penultimate dive, scoring 82.50 for an excellent Reverse 2 ½ Somersaults piked. Zi finished with a total of 396.95 to win gold. Silver went to her team-mate Minxia Wu who took a total of 370.35 while Canada’s Jennifer Abel scored 341.40 for bronze.
Gallantree finished in sixth place in the second semi-final with a score of 263.60 (British Swimming)

Enam Perenang Diharapkan Lolos ke Kejuaraan Dunia

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-Semarang: Sebanyak enam perenang Indonesia diharapkan lolos dan tampil pada kejuaraan dunia di Shanghai, China, 14-22 Juli 2011, kata Pelatih Kepala Pelatnas SEA Games, Hartadi Nurjojo.
"Saya kira dari 28 perenang yang saat ini menghuni pelatnas SEA Games XXVI, enam perenang berpeluang menembus limit waktu kejuaraan dunia," katanya di Semarang, Ahad (17/4).
Ia menyebutkan, enam perenang tersebut adalah Glenn Victor, Nicko Biondi, Siman Sudartawan, Indra Gunawan, Priadi Fauzi, dan M. Akbar Nasution.
"Prestasi dan catatan waktu yang mereka tempuh akhir-akhir ini menunjukkan peningkatan yang berarti sehingga peluang lolos kejuaraan dunia di China mendatang terbuka lebar," katanya.
Hartadi Nurjojo yang juga Ketua Bidang Pembinaan dan Prestasi Pengprov PRSI Jawa Tengah itu mengatakan, perenang Indonesia harus mengikuti babak kualifikasi untuk bisa menembus limit waktu kejuraan dunia tersebut.
Ia menyebutkan, dua even renang internasional yang bakal menjadi ajang kualifikasi kejuaraan dunia yaitu kejuaran renang Taiwan Terbuka dan Jepang Terbuka.
"Pekan depan kita akan konsultasi dengan induk organisasi renang di Tanah Air, even mana yang akan diikuti perenang Indonesia dengan melihat peluang terbesar," katanya.
Ia mengemukakan, limit waktu untuk kejuaraan dunia sama dengan limit waktu untuk Olimpiade 2012 di London, Inggris.
"Kalau kita mampu menembus limit waktu kejuaraan dunia berarti kita juga bisa lolos ke Olimpiade," katanya.
Hartadi Nurjojo yang mantan Manajer Tim Renang Asian Games 2010 itu mengatakan, dua even di Taiwan dan Jepang tersebut juga sebagai ajang kualifikasi untuk Olimpiade 2012.
Kejuaraan dunia tersebut, katanya, juga sebagai ajang uji coba perenang sebelum diterjunkan pada SEA Games XXVI di Sumatra Selatan dan DKI Jakarta, November 2011.
"Sasaran kita tetap pada SEA Games mendatang karena kita sebagai tuan rumah tentunya harus bisa meraih prestasi maksimal," katanya.
Saat ini empat perenang Indonesia berlatih di Australia yaitu Glenn Victor, Priadi Fauzi, Idham Dasuki, dan M. Akbar Nasution, sedangkan Indra Gunawan berlatih di Hongaria.(Ant/RIZ/ Metrotvnews.com)

Minggu, 17 April 2011

South Africa Long Course Championships: Charl Bouwer Lowers Disability World Record, Cameron van der Burgh Clocks Fastest 50 Breast in World

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-PORT ELIZABETH, South Africa, April 15. CHARL Bouwer turned up the tempo as he posted a thrilling finish and broke a world record on the fifth day of the Telkom SA National Senior and Youth Championships at the Newton Park Swimming Pool in Port Elizabeth earlier this evening. Three more swimmers added their names to the qualification list for Shanghai.

There was no stopping Cameron van der Burgh as he raced to his second A qualifying time. He booked his place to Shanghai in the 100m breaststroke on Thursday and added the 50m breaststroke A qualifying time tonight. Van der Burgh's fast time of 27.24 saw him claim the gold, almost a second ahead of Neil Versfeld, who ended with a time of 28.15. Giulio Zorzi was third in 28.46.

Kwa-Zulu Natal's Charl Crous finished with a phenomenal time of 55.08 in the 100m backstroke, securing his place to the FINA World Championships while Gerhard Zandberg came second in 55.58 and Darren Murray in third with a time of 55.84. 

In the 200m individual medley showdown, Darian Townsend took a lead throughout the race and clocked an A qualifying time of 1:59.06 ahead of Sebastien Rousseau in 2:01.42 and Chad le Clos in 2:02.11.

Chad le Clos grabbed the gold in the 100m butterfly in 53.51 followed by Heinrich Alberts in 54.12 and Garth Tune in 54.39. In the 50m freestyle and 50m breaststroke, it was golden girl Karin Prinsloo who once again made the top of the podium with a time of 26.08 and 29.18 respectively.

Natasha de Vos finished first in both the 200m backstroke and 400m freestyle with a time of 2:15.88 and 4:22.62 respectively, while Suzaan van Biljon walked away with the 100m breaststroke title in 1:10.37.

Wendy Trott won her third gold medal in as many days when she ended with a time of 4:11.97 in the 400m freestyle.

Western Province's Paralympian, Charl Bouwer brought the crowd to life when he broke his own multi-disability World record in the 1500m freestyle S13 category in today's morning heats. Bouwer's time was 16:36.31, shedding 0.06 seconds off his previous record. The final for the 1500m freestyle will take place on Friday evening where he will be up against the likes of Heerden Herman, Mark Randall and Chad Ho.

In the evening final multi-disability 50m freestyle race S13, Bouwer claimed the gold in a time of 24.92 ahead of Kevin Paul in 25.85 and Sean Clarke in 26.41, while Craig Groenewald collected the gold in the S14 category of the 50m freestyle with a time of 26.52, Challis Wright was second in 26.72 and Valentino Vergotine in third with 29.37.

The multi-disability golden girls Shireen Sapiro and Yvonne Smith both won their races in the 50m freestyle S10 and S14 categories respectively, while Dianne Saunders won the SB7 50m breaststroke title with a time of 47.55. In the SB5 50m breaststroke race, Paralympian Tadhg Slattery took the gold in 44.77.

In the youth session of the competition, Michaela Barnes was the winner in the 200m backstroke in 2:20.87, while Reynard Wessels took the gold in the 50m freestyle in 23.36 and Marco Husselmann walked away with the gold in the 200m individual medley in 2:06.47.

The synchro 16-18 age group solo gold medal went to Jessica Broughton from the Eastern Province while Nicola David from the Western Province claimed the silver with the bronze going to Lara Lindeque from KZN. The senior section winner was Laura Strugnell, Emma Manners-Wood coming in second and Jennifer Woker in third.

The final day of the Telkom SA National Senior and Youth Swimming Championships will take place tomorrow at the Newton Park Swimming Pool in Port Elizabeth with the heats starting at 09h00 and the finals beginning at 18h00.

List of A Qualification Times:
Wendy Trott – 800 and 1500m freestyle
Michelle Weber – 1500m freestyle
Chad le Clos – 200m butterfly
Gerhard Zandberg – 50m backstroke
Roland Schoeman – 50m butterfly
Cameron van der Burgh – 50 and 100m breaststroke
Vanessa Mohr – 100m butterfly
Riaan Schoeman – 400m individual medley
Heerden Herman – 800m freestyle
Mark Randall – 800m freestyle
Charl Crous – 100m backstroke
Darian Townsend – 200m individual medley


DIVING WORLD SERIES: Sheffield, Day 1: Daley and Waterfield conquer world’s best for gold

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-Thomas Daley and Peter Waterfield had a sell out Sheffield crowd on their feet as they stormed to 10m Synchro gold in the FINA/Midea Diving World Series.
In only their second international competition together, the British duo held off five of the world’s top pairs to claim victory with 449.43 points.
Daley and Waterfield performed steady required dives and lay in fourth place after the first two rounds. As the competition entered the optional dives, the harder phase of the competition, the pair held their nerve to perform consistently.
Their Front 4 ½ Somersaults tucked dive is the hardest dive in their list and scored 8s and 9s to move into the lead ahead of the China’s World Cup champions Yuan Cao and Yanquang Zhang with one round to go.
The Brits scored 92.88 on their final dive, the Back 2 ½ Somersaults 2 ½ Twists piked, to hold onto their lead and when the Chinese pair dropped their final dive Daley and Waterfield cheered their win.
“We are so happy to have won that gold in only our second international competition,” Daley said. “It is great to see that our partnership is improving every time we compete. Our hardest dive the Front 4 ½ was one of the best that we have done. We are lucky we have natural timing but we missed our first two optional dives and we want to improve that a lot.”
“We are going to Mexico and the World Championships next,” Waterfield said. “It is a new partnership but we seem to be working well together. The 4 ½ is our newest dive but it saved us today so we are both glad that we are using.”
Cao and Zhang ultimately won silver with 443.82 and bronze went to Sascha Klein and Patrick Hausding (Germany) with a total of 427.59.
China’s Qin Kai struck gold to continue his domination of this season’s men’s 3m Springboard event.
Defending World Series Champion Kai – who won both previous legs in Moscow and Beijing this term – took over the lead at the half way point and never looked back on the way to scoring 547.70.
Kai’s fifth dive was the highlight of the set as he scored 106.40 for Front 4 ½ Somersaults tucked. China’s Olympic and World Champion He Chong finished second with 531.15 while USA’s Troy Dumais took bronze with 507.65.
“I am happy to win the gold,” Kai said. “I have now had many chances to practice my Front 4 ½ dive and it is becoming more stable. I learnt the dive a year ago and a few months ago I was still having some problems with it but it is getting much better now.”
Great Britain’s double world junior champion Jack Laugher impressed to score an international pb of 436.90.
And while his score would have been good enough to progress from the first semi-final, he missed out on qualification from his semi by an agonising 14 points.
Zi He and Minxia Wu dominated the women’s 3m Synchro with a performance that saw them score consistently throughout the five rounds.
After the required dives the Chinese pair had a total of 107.40 points and their highest scoring dive came in the fourth round.
The pair, that also won the gold in the Beijing leg of the event, executed their Reverse 2 ½ Somersaults piked scored a total of 80.10 points as they moved twenty points into the lead.
He and Wu finished with a total of 334.20 points to win their gold. Canada’s Jennifer Abel and Emilie
Heymans won the silver with a score of 315.00 while Tania Cagnotto and Francesca Dallape (Italy) took bronze with 303.60 points.
Rebecca Gallantree and Alicia Blagg were competing in their first leg of the series together and secured fifth place with a score of 294.00.
“That performance felt really good,” Gallantree said. “It was the first time we performed that list internationally, after adding a more difficult dive, and we’re both really pleased with the score.
“That’s our best result since the Commonwealth Games and shows, at an early stage in the season, how far we’ve come as a pair. Diving here in Sheffield is an amazing experience in front of a sell out crowd and they kept us focused throughout.”
Blagg added: “The home crowd was amazing and just fed my adrenalin. I was very nervous before but didn’t let them get the better of me and affect my performance. There were a lot of positives to take from that performance.”
China’s World Cup champion Hu Yadan struck gold in the last event of the night – the women’s 10m Platform.
The final was a straight shoot-out between Hu and Olympic champion Chen Ruolin with both divers adopting the same list.
But Hu stormed to victory over her more experienced rival, outscoring Chen on all five dives to win with 442.00 with her teammate finishing on 408.60.
Mexico’s world champion Paola Espinosa picked up bronze with her score of 356.10.
Great Britain’s Jenny Cowen held off the nerves on her World Series debut to score 297.50 for seventh place overall.
Thomas Daley and Peter Waterfield had a sell out Sheffield crowd on their feet as they stormed to 10m Synchro gold in the FINA/Midea Diving World Series. In only their second international competition together, the British duo held off five of the world’s top pairs to claim victory with 449.43 points. Daley and Waterfield performed steady required dives and lay in fourth place after the first two rounds. As the competition entered the optional dives, the harder phase of the competition, the pair held their nerve to perform consistently.
Their Front 4 ½ Somersaults tucked dive is the hardest dive in their list and scored 8s and 9s to move into the lead ahead of the China’s World Cup champions Yuan Cao and Yanquang Zhang with one round to go. The Brits scored 92.88 on their final dive, the Back 2 ½ Somersaults 2 ½ Twists piked, to hold onto their lead and when the Chinese pair dropped their final dive Daley and Waterfield cheered their win.
“We are so happy to have won that gold in only our second international competition,” Daley said. “It is great to see that our partnership is improving every time we compete. Our hardest dive the Front 4 ½ was one of the best that we have done. We are lucky we have natural timing but we missed our first two optional dives and we want to improve that a lot.”
“We are going to Mexico and the World Championships next,” Waterfield said. “It is a new partnership but we seem to be working well together. The 4 ½ is our newest dive but it saved us today so we are both glad that we are using.”
Cao and Zhang ultimately won silver with 443.82 and bronze went to Sascha Klein and Patrick Hausding (Germany) with a total of 427.59.
China’s Qin Kai struck gold to continue his domination of this season’s men’s 3m Springboard event. Defending World Series Champion Kai – who won both previous legs in Moscow and Beijing this term – took over the lead at the half way point and never looked back on the way to scoring 547.70. Kai’s fifth dive was the highlight of the set as he scored 106.40 for Front 4 ½ Somersaults tucked. China’s Olympic and World Champion He Chong finished second with 531.15 while USA’s Troy Dumais took bronze with 507.65.
“I am happy to win the gold,” Kai said. “I have now had many chances to practice my Front 4 ½ dive and it is becoming more stable. I learnt the dive a year ago and a few months ago I was still having some problems with it but it is getting much better now.”
Great Britain’s double world junior champion Jack Laugher impressed to score an international pb of 436.90. And while his score would have been good enough to progress from the first semi-final, he missed out on qualification from his semi by an agonising 14 points.
Zi He and Minxia Wu dominated the women’s 3m Synchro with a performance that saw them score consistently throughout the five rounds. After the required dives the Chinese pair had a total of 107.40 points and their highest scoring dive came in the fourth round. The pair, that also won the gold in the Beijing leg of the event, executed their Reverse 2 ½ Somersaults piked scored a total of 80.10 points as they moved twenty points into the lead. He and Wu finished with a total of 334.20 points to win their gold. Canada’s Jennifer Abel and Emilie Heymans won the silver with a score of 315.00 while Tania Cagnotto and Francesca Dallape (Italy) took bronze with 303.60 points.
Rebecca Gallantree and Alicia Blagg were competing in their first leg of the series together and secured fifth place with a score of 294.00.
“That performance felt really good,” Gallantree said. “It was the first time we performed that list internationally, after adding a more difficult dive, and we’re both really pleased with the score.
“That’s our best result since the Commonwealth Games and shows, at an early stage in the season, how far we’ve come as a pair. Diving here in Sheffield is an amazing experience in front of a sell out crowd and they kept us focused throughout.”
Blagg added: “The home crowd was amazing and just fed my adrenalin. I was very nervous before but didn’t let them get the better of me and affect my performance. There were a lot of positives to take from that performance.”
China’s World Cup champion Hu Yadan struck gold in the last event of the night – the women’s 10m Platform. The final was a straight shoot-out between Hu and Olympic champion Chen Ruolin with both divers adopting the same list. But Hu stormed to victory over her more experienced rival, outscoring Chen on all five dives to win with 442.00 with her teammate finishing on 408.60. Mexico’s world champion Paola Espinosa picked up bronze with her score of 356.10. Great Britain’s Jenny Cowen held off the nerves on her World Series debut to score 297.50 for seventh place overall. (British Swimming)

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Kejurnas 2011:DKI Bawa Rombongan Besar

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-PRSI DKI akan mengirimkan rombongan besar ke kejurnas renang yang akan berlangsung di Surabaya, Jawa Timur pada 14-16 Mei mendatang.
Para perenang tim DKI diambil dari  16 perenang yang lolos dalam limit waktu dalam seleksi daerah atau kejuaraan provinsi yang berlangsung di kolam renang Gelora Bung Karno Senayan, pekan lalu. Ke 16 perenang tersebut menembus limit yang dibuat berdasar rata-rata waktu peringkat satu hingga tiga pada kejurnas tahun lalu.
Namun  Pengurus PRSI DKI kemudian memutuskan mengikut sertakan para perenang yang telah tergabung dalam Pelatada DKI, meski mereka sebenarnya tidak menembus batas waktu dalam seleksi kejurprov tersebut. Untuk tim ini sebanyak 13 perenang pelatda terjaring ikut tim ke Surabaya.
"Kami memnag mengikutsertakan mereka sesuai kemauan KONI DKi. Alasan mereka, ajang kejurnas ini adalah merupakan ajang Seleksi Pra PON Riau 2012 mendatang," kata Sekjen Pengropv PRSI DKI, Nursamsu di Jakarta, Jumat (15/4).
Dalam tim DKI ini  terdapat nama-nama perenang nasional seperti Guntur Pratama Putra dan Nicko Biondi. "Kami memang tidak menargetkan perolehan medali di kejurnas kali ini. Namun  lebih menekankan pada kemungkinan meloloskan perenang sebanyak mungkin ke PON 2012 mendatang," lanjut Nursamsu.
Dengan tambahan perenang pelatda ini, perenang DKI berjumlah 29 orang. Rombongan menjadi besar karena delapan pelatih yang selama ini menangani pelatda mendapat kesempatan juga untuk berangkat mendampingi para perenang mereka ke Surabaya. Ditambah lagi dua pelatih dari klub yang perenangnya lolos seleksi tetapi tidak tergabung di Pelatda.
Seleksi perenang DKI yang dilangsungkan pekan lalu memang banyak dikeluhkan peserta. Mereka menganggap limit waktu kejurnas tersebut terlalu tajam. Akibatnya, dua perenang terbaik yaitu di KU II putera dan KU III puteri bahkan gagal ikut ke Surabaya meski mampu menambang lebih dari lima emas.
"Kami sebenarnya  memberi kesempatan kepada mereka yang ingin berangkat dengan biaya sendiri. Untuk itu biaya yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp 3.600.000- per orang, kata Abdul Syukur dari Pengprov DKI. (Kompas.com)

Selasa, 12 April 2011

Renang Indah Bersiap Uji Coba ke Makau

MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA- Jakarta - Skuad subcabang renang indah untuk SEA Games XXVI akan mengikuti uji coba di Macau Open pada 27-29 Mei mendatang. Pelatih renang indah Ragil Sugarestu Handayani menyatakan persiapan sudah mencapai tahap latihan koreografi sehingga tidak ada kendala berarti. "Uji coba di Macau ini akan menjadi bahan evaluasi," 

Ragil mengakui sebetulnya ada keterbatasan waktu persiapan yang dilakukan. "Kami sudah membuat program, tetapi sempat berubah akibat ada pelatihan (pengembangan karakter) ke Batujajar. Tetapi persiapan umum ternyata bisa dilakukan dengan baik dan saat sudah latihan teknik pun atlet tidak kesulitan," kata Ragil Selasa (12/4).

Subcabang renang indah mengikuti pendidikan karakter di Batujajar, Jawa Barat, pada akhir Maret lalu. Mereka langsung berpacu dengan waktu untuk mempersiapkan diri menjelang Macau Open. "Karena memang atlet-atlet juga hasil seleksi, proses latihan koreografi tidak butuh waktu lama," ujar Ragil.

Saat ini telah bergabung 12 orang atlet yang berlatih bersama di Kompleks Kolam Renang Gelora Bung Karno Senayan. Jumlah ini sudah sesuai dengan tim inti yang nantinya akan diturunkan pada SEA Games yaitu 10 orang plus 2 orang cadangan. Menurut Ragil jumlah itu memang sangat riskan. "Jika ada yang cedera, kami harus mencarikan pengganti. Mudah-mudahan hal seperti itu tidak perlu terjadi," katanya.

Uji coba di Macau diharapkan bisa menjadi tempat bagi para atlet untuk melatih diri tanpa diintip negara-negara pesaing terkuta. Ragil menyatakan bahwa persaingan berat kemungkinan besar datang dari Malaysia dan Thailand pada SEA Games nanti. "Kemungkinan besar negara-negara ini tidak ikut," kata dia.

Selain Macau Open, renang indah juga akan beruji coba di kejuaraan dunia akuatik yang digelar di Shanghai, China Juli nanti. Mereka akan mempersiapkan untuk bisa mengasah kemampuan di nomor-nomor yang bakal dipertandingkan di SEA Games yaitu duet technical, duet free, team technical, team free, dan combination.

Menurut Ragil, dari seluruh nomor itu nantinya Indonesia memiliki peluang besar untuk mendapatkan medali emas di dua nomor seperti team technicaldan team free. "Kami berharap bisa mencuri emas dari nomor duet. Tetapi di situ ada Malaysia yang sangat kuat dan juga Thailand," kata Ragil (TEMPO Interaktif)

Senin, 11 April 2011


MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Dana Vollmer (Granbury, Texas) and Tyler Clary (Riverside, Calif.) each turned in strong performances Sunday, the final night of competition at the Eric Namesnik Michigan Grand Prix. Both Vollmer and Clary set pool records in the 100m free and 200m back, respectively, as a total of five pool records were broken at the fifth stop of the USA Swimming Grand Prix Series.

Vollmer was in second behind Natalie Coughlin (Vallejo, Calif.) at the halfway point of the 100m free but had a strong second half to give her the top spot. Her swim earned her a pool record with a time of 54.52. Coughlin placed second in 54.93 and Kara Lynn Joyce (Ann Arbor, Mich.) was third in 55.14.

In the men’s 200m back, Clary led the field from start to finish. He finished the race in a pool-record time of 1:56.61, more than three seconds ahead of the rest of the field. World-record holder Ryan Lochte (Daytona Beach, Fla.) was second in 2:00.21 and Robert Margalis (St. Petersburg, Fla.) finished third in 2:02.29.

Cesar Cielo picked up his second win of the meet in the men’s 100m free. The Brazilian set the pool record with a time of 49.12. Michael Phelps (Baltimore, Md.) turned in a strong performance in the free as well, placing second in 49.48. Brazil’s Nicholas Santos was third in 50.10.

The men’s 200m IM saw an exciting race between Phelps, Tunisia’s Ous Mellouli and Clary. Phelps had the lead going into the final 50 meters, however, he was unable to hold off a late surge from Mellouli. Mellouli hit the wall first to set a pool record of 1:59.42. Phelps earned second in 1:59.63 and Clary was third in 2:00.56.

Katie Hoff (Towson, Md.) set a pool record and earned the top spot in the women’s 800m free. Hoff swam a strong race from start to finish, turning in a time of 8:35.51. Brazil’s Andreina Pinto placed second in 8:37.44 while National Teamer Emily Brunemann (Crescent Springs, Ky.) was third in 8:44.36.

Ariana Kukors (Auburn, Wash.) picked up her first win of the meet with a standout swim in the women’s 200m IM. Kukors, the 2009 World Champion in the event, finished more than a second ahead of the rest of the field in 2:11.24. Caitlin Leverenz (Tucson, Ariz.) placed second with a time of 2:12.80 while Jasmine Tosky (Palo Alto, Calif.) finished third in 2:13.70.

The women’s 200m back was won by Sweden’s Therese Svendsen with a time of 2:13.08. National Teamer Madison White (Danville, Calif.) was second in 2:14.11 while her teammate at Crow Canyon Aquatics, Sidney Cooke, placed third in 2:16.98.

Germantown Academy’s Arthur Frayler won the final race of the night, the men’s 1500m free, with a time of 15:18.56. Michael Klueh (Evansville, Ind.) placed second in 15:24.63 and Andrew Gemmell (Wilmington, Del.) was third in 15:28.87 (usa swimming)

Minggu, 10 April 2011


MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Six pool records fell Saturday on the second night of competition at the Eric Namesnik Michigan Grand Prix. Michael Phelps (Baltimore, Md.), Kate Zielger (Great Falls, Va.), Natalie Coughin (Vallejo, Calif.), Kara Lynn Joyce (Ann Arbor, Mich.), Tunisia’s Ous Mellouli and Brazil’s Cesar Cielo all broke pool records at the meet taking place at the University of Michigan. The Grand Prix meet concludes Sunday, April 10. 

Phelps set a pool record and won the men’s 100m back with a time of 54.15. He was able to hold off fellow Olympian Ryan Lochte (Daytona Beach, Fla.) for his only win of the night. Lochte finished second in 54.81 and David Nolan (Hershey, Pa.) was third in 55.10.

Ziegler had an impressive swim in the women’s 400m free, breaking the pool record by almost five seconds with a time of 4:07.78. Katie Hoff (Towson, Md.) finished second in 4:08.23 and Gator Swim Club’s Andreina Pinto was third in 4:15.81.

"My mindset has changed. I'm swimming for me more and I'm enjoying it," Ziegler said after the race. "There's going to be ups and downs but I'm still having fun.”

Coughlin placed first and set a pool record in the 100m back with a time of 1:00.04. The Olympic gold medalist took an early lead in the event and her strong underwater work helped her hold on to the lead in the final 50 meters. Elizabeth Pelton (Baltimore, Md.) was second in 1:00.67 and Brazil’s Fabiola Pulga Molina was third in 1:00.95.

Phelps was upset in the 200m fly, finishing fourth with a time of 1:57.79. The win went to China’s Wu Peng who finished in 1:56.62. Phelps, who owns the world record in the event, was unable to come from behind in the final 50 meters to make the podium. Poland’s Marcin Cieslak was second in 1:57.13 and Tyler Clary (Riverside, Calif.) was third in 1:57.56.

The men’s and women’s 50m free, always two of the more exciting races of the night, saw winning swims from Brazil’s Cesar Cielo and Kara Lynn Joyce (Ann Arbor, Mich.). The men’s race, which featured Olympic gold medalists Jason Lezak (Irvine, Calif.) and Cullen Jones (New Brunswick, N.J.), was dominated by the Brazilian swimmers as they earned the top three spots. Cielo swam a 22.08, a new pool record, while Bruno Fratus was second in 22.52 and Nicholas Santos was third in 22.54. Joyce won the women’s race with a pool-record time of 25.25, just .11 ahead of Brazils’ Cazzio Delaroli. Dana Vollmer (Granbury, Texas) rounded out the top three with a time of 25.45.

Clary picked up a win in the men’s 400m free with a time of 3:51.57. He held off Michael Klueh (Evansville, Ind.), who finished second in 3:52.01, and Charlie Houchin (Raleigh, N.C.), who was third in 3:52.81.

In other races, Jasmine Tosky (Walnut Creek, Calif.) won the women’s 200m fly in 2:11.11. Madison Wright of Kingfish Aquatics was second in 2:12.21 and Caitlin Leverenz (Tucson, Ariz.) was third in 2:13.34. Caitlin Leverenz picked up the win in the women’s 200m breast with a time of 2:30.37. Ariana Kukors (Auburn, Wash.) was second in 2:31.89 and Annie Zhu of Asphalt Green Aquatics was third in 2:32.16. The men’s 200m breast was won by 1500m free Olympic gold medalist Ous Mellouli of Tunisia. Melloui set a pool record in 2:15.36 and was followed by Mike Alexandrov (Champaign, Ill.), who was second in 2:15.84. Austria’s Markus Rogan was third in 2:15.92. (usa swimming)

Sabtu, 09 April 2011


MAJALAH AKUATIK INDONESIA-ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps (Baltimore, Md.) broke two pool records Friday night, winning both the men’s 200m free and 100m fly at the 2011 Eric Namesnik Michigan Grand Prix in Ann Arbor, Mich. The meet, taking place at the University of Michigan, runs through Sunday, April 10.
Phelps took home his first win of the night in the men’s 200m free. His pool-record win came in a time of 1:48.45 which edged out Olympic gold medalist Ryan Lochte (Daytona Beach, Fla.). Lochte finished in 1:48.69 and Austria’s Markus Rogan earned third in 1:49.23.

“Both of us [Phelps and Lochte] hate to lose,” Phelps said post race. “He’s somebody who has made a lot of improvements in and out of the pool and it shows in all of his races. I didn’t know we were going to take it down to the end. When I looked over and saw him, I just wanted to touch the wall first.”
Phelps earned his second pool record of the night with his win in the 100m fly. He took the lead at the first 50 meters and held on to win in 52.30. Poland’s Marcin Cieslak was second in 53.08 and China’s Wu Peng was third in 53.26.

The women’s 100m fly saw a close race between Olympians Dana Vollmer (Granbury, Texas) and Natalie Coughlin (Vallejo, Calif.). Vollmer swam the third-fastest time in the world this year in the event to set the pool record in 57.50. Coughlin was second in 58.05 and Daynara Paula of Brazil was third in 58.69.
Two-time Olympian Katie Hoff (Towson, Md.) won the first women’s event of the night, earning the top spot in the women’s 200m free. Hoff, who broke the pool record in her morning preliminary swim, broke the pool record again tonight in 1:58.24. Jasmine Tosky (Walnut Creek, Calif.) was second in 1:59.60 and Whitney Myers (Oxford, Ohio) was third in 1:59.98.

The 400m IM was won by Tyler Clary (Riverside, Calif.) on the men’s side and Caitlin Levernz (Tucson, Ariz.) on the women’s side. Clary was just off the pool record, winning the event in 4:16.74. Robert Margalis (St. Petersburg, Fla.) was second in 4:20.96 and Lithuania’s Vytautas Janusaitis was third in 4:21.86. Leverenz won the event in 4:40.71. Stina Gardell was second in 4:41.83 and Brazil’s Joann Maranhao was third in 4:47.93.

In other races, Asphalt Green’s Annie Zhu won the women’s 100m breast with a time of 1:11.17. Sara Lajnef was second in 1:11.63 and Allie Szekely was third in 1:11.85. The Brazilian men swept the men’s 100m breaststroke, earning the top three spots in the event. Felipe Franca Da Silva was first and set a meet record in 1:01.62. Joao Luiz Gomes Junior was second in 1:01.95 and Felipe Ferreira Lima placed third in 1:01.99.