Jumat, 30 November 2012

FINA World Sports Medicine Congress in Istanbul

AKUATIK INDONESIA-The 17th FINA World Sports Medicine Congress will be held in Istanbul at the Renaissance Polat Hotel from December 10-11, 2012 prior the 11th FINA World Swimming Championships (25m) under the main theme “Enhancing Performance; The healthy Aquatic Athlete”.
This FINA event has been organised every two or four years since the first meeting in London (1969). The last Congress took place in Manchester (GBR) in 2008.
You can find the detailed programme of this event directly on the FINA World Sports Medicine Congress website.

34 teams for 1st World Youth Water polo Champs

POLO AIR INDONESIA - Perth (AUS) will host the first-ever FINA World Youth Water Polo Championships (18 & Under) from December 1-9, 2012. A total 34 teams (15 youth women and 19 youth men) from 24 countries will meet on the international water polo stage in a new competition format for a specific age category.
In the women's field, the teams include Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, New zealand, Russia, South Africa, USA, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe.
Among men, the squads are Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Peru, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, USA and Uzbekistan.

Record 11 teams to perform at 7th Synchro World Trophy

RENANG INDAH INDONESIA -The 11 participating teams will once again show that creativity knows no boundaries during the 7th FINA Synchronised Swimming World Trophy , to be held at the Mexican Olympic Sport Centre in Mexico City (MEX) from November 30 to December 2, 2012.

The 3-day competition continues to grow in popularity eversince it was launched in 2007. This year, a record 11 teams will take part: Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, Great Britain, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands (for the first time), Russia, Ukraine and USA.

Scores will be given for Artistic Impression only in order to enhance theatrical and acrobatic skills. The use of accessories is allowed. The competition programme includes a Synchro Highlight routine and Thematic Duet (Nov 30), Solo Exhibition and Thematic Team (Dec 1) and Free Combination (Dec 2). The Solo Exhibition on day 2, which will not be judged, will feature soloists from Russia, China, Japan and Ukraine..

This is the second time the World Trophy is organised in Latin America, after Rio (BRA) in 2007. Beijing (2011), Moscow (2010 and 2006), Montreal (2009) and Madrid (2008) also played host to event

Istanbul to welcome 800 swimmers for 25m pool showdown

RENANG INDONESIA - In exactly two weeks, Istanbul's iconic Sinan Erdem Arena will get the game underway with more than 800 athletes from a record 160 countries for the 11th FINA World Swimming Championships (25m), organised from December 12-16, 2012. The temporary square-shape swimming pool will host up to 10,000 spectators over the five-day event.
Some of the best swimmers in action will be in Istanbul, including American Ryan Lochte. The distance specialist already etched his name into the swimming history books, having tallied a record 22 medals at the World short-course event (14 of them gold) since the 2004 edition in Indianapolis (USA). At the last edition in Dubai (UAE), the then 26 year-old set the only two indvidual World records of the meet (in the 200m and 400m individual medleys) and became along the way the first swimmer to win seven medals in a single edition.
Besides Lochte, other stars from the global swimming elite will be in Istanbul to defend their title from Dubai: among men, Cameron van der Burgh and Chad Le Clos (RSA), Paul Biedermann (GER), Stanislav Donets and Evgeny Korotyshkin (RUS) and in the women's field, Federica Pellegrini (ITA), Therese Alshammar (SWE), Erika Villaecija Garcia (ESP) and Jing Zhao (CHN).
In the lead up to what will be another memorable edition of the FINA World Swimming Championhips (25m), you can relive the best moments from Dubai 2010 by having a look at the news reports and photo gallery on the FINA website.
Don't miss a single action-packed race and record-breaking feat in Istanbul by following us on Facebook and Twitter! In addition, watch the daily 50-minute highlights of the 11th FINA World Swimming Championships (25m) on FINAtv  (geo restricted) and for the first time, a LIVE radio feed coverage will be available worldwide during the evening finals! 

Sebagian tribun kolam renang Olimpiade mulai dicabut

AKUATIK INDONESIA- Para petugas di Taman Olimpiade London, Selasa 27 November, mulai bekerja untuk mencabut sebagian tribun penonton di kolam renang.
Pengurangan jumlah kursi penonton di kolam renang itu dilakukan sebelum diserahkan kepada dewan kota setempat agar bisa digunakan oleh masyarakat umum.

Kapasitas awal 17.500 penonton akan dikurangi hingga 2.500 kursi untuk memudahkan pengelolaan sehari-hari.
Selain itu juga akan dibangun panel kaca transparan, lift, restoran, serta 700 tempat penyimpanan barang bagi para penggunanya kelak.
Rencananya kolam renang tempat Michael Phelps meraih rekor 18 medali emas Olimpiade ini akan mulai dibuka untuk umum pada tahun 2014.
Walau disiapkan sebagai kolam renang umum, London tetap mencalonkan diri untuk menjadi tuan rumah Kejuaraan Renang Eropa 2016.
Pencabutan sebagian kursi di kolam renang ini merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk mengubah Taman Olimpiade London agar bisa digunakan untuk umum. Biaya total untuk konversi ini diperkirakan mencapai £292 juta.

Nasib stadion utama
Jika pengelolaan kolam renang sudah tidak menghadapi masalah lagi, stadion utama -yang dibangun dengan biaya £430 juta- masih belum memiliki pengelola tetap.
Klub sepak bola West Ham United yang bermarkas di London timur -tak jauh dari Taman Olimpiade yang berada di Stratford- berpeluang paling besar untuk menggunakan stadion itu sebagai kandangnya.
Sebelum Olimpiade London 2012 berlangsung, West Ham untuk mengelola stadion utama namun diprotes lewat jalur hukum oleh Tottenham Hotspur.
Spurs menyatakan berminat mengelolanya namun dengan mencabut lintasan lari yang memisahkan tribun penonton dengan lapangan olahraga dan rencana itu sudah ditolak.
Manajemen Taman Olimpiade London, LLDC, dilaporkan akan membahas pengelolaan stadion utama pekan depan dan diperkirakan sudah ada keputusan sebelum akhir 2012.
Stadiun Stratford akan digunakan untuk Kejuaraan Atletik Dunia 2017 dan merupakan salah satu calon tuan rumah Piala Dunia rugby pada tahun 2015.
Jika pekerjaan konversi ini sudah selesai maka namanya akan diganti menjadi Taman Olimpiade Ratu Elizabeth.

Rabu, 28 November 2012

Eamon Sullivan Disidang karena "Joyride"

SYDNEY, AKUATIK INDONESIA — Atlet renang Australia, Eamon Sullivan, terancam diajukan ke pengadilan karena meminjam skuter dan menyebabkan terjadinya kecelakaan.

Atlet peserta Olimpiade London 2012 ini dilaporkan melakukan hal tersebut saat menghadiri pesta pernikahan kerabatnya di sebuah pub di Adelaide, pertengahan Oktober lalu.

Menurut laporan, dua tamu meminjam skuter milik seorang tamu lainnya. Namun, skuter tersebut kemudian menabrak meja dan menyebabkan dua orang cedera.

Polisi Australia Selatan menyebut, Sullivan—salah satu pengendara motor pinjaman—dilaporkan karena melakukan tindakan tidak menyenangkan.

Pihak manajemen Sullivan menyebut kliennya memang menghadairi undangan pernikahan di Adelaide. Namun mereka menyebut tak ada bukti bahwa klien mereka terlibat dalam peristiwa kecelakaan tersebut. "Sampai saat ini belum ada tuduhan dari polisi berkaitan dengan peristiwa ini."

Disiplin dan perilaku buruk para atlet renang Australia dianggap menjadi penyebab merosotnya prestasi negara tersebut di ajang Olimpiade London, dengan hanya meraih satu medali emas. (KOMPAS.com )

Selasa, 27 November 2012

Sulawesi Selatan Segera Punya Kolam Renang Berkelas Internasional

AKUATIK INDONESIA, MAKASSAR -Empat bulan lagi, Sulawesi Selatan bakal memiliki kolam renang dengan standar olympic. Kolam renang tersebut bisa digunakan untuk pertandingan tingkat internasional.
"Peresmian kolam renang ini empat bulan lagi. Kolam renang dengan standar olimpic untuk pertandingan tingkat dunia," kata Wahyu Tri Laksono, Direksi PT GMTD, di sela pemancangan tiang pembangunan kolam renang di Barombong, Sabtu (24/11/2012).
Tri mengungkapkan, di depan kolam renang juga ada pantai buatan. Sehingga, kolam renang ini menjadi satu-satunya yang memadukan air tawar dan air laut.
"Ini murni ide Pak Gubernur, untuk membuat kolam renang yang memiliki standar internasional," ungkapnya.
Sementara, Gubernur Sulsel H Syahrul Yasin Limpo menuturkan, kolam renang tersebut merupakan bagian dari stadion olahraga yang dibangun, yang besarnya lima kali dibandingkan Stadion Mattoangin. Stadion tersebut mampu menampung 50 ribu orang.
"Saya berterima kasih kepada GMTD yang mau bersama-sama pemerintah memikirkan kepentingan rakyat," ucapnya.
Sama halnya dengan di CPI, di sini juga akan dibuat public space area, yang luasnya lima kali Lapangan Karebosi. Sehingga, masyarakat bebas melakukan aktivitas di tempat tersebut.
"Begitupun dengan kolam renang di sini. Apa yang dilakukan di sini lebih banyak pikiran untuk kepentingan rakyat, bukan untuk tujuan komersial," tegas Syahrul.
Dalam acara tersebut, Syahrul juga menyerahkan bantuan sembako kepada masyarakat sekitar lokasi pembangunan. (TRIBUNNEWS.COM)

9th Asian Water Polo Championships 2012 at Dubai, United Arab Emirates Results. 25/11/2012:

Gold: China
Silver: Kazakhstan
Bronze: Japan
4th: Singapore
5th: Uzbekistan
6th: Saudi Arabia
7th: Hong Kong
8th: Thailand
9th: Sri Lanka

Gold: China
Silver: Kazakhstan
Bronze: Uzbekistan
4th: Singapore
5th: India
6th: Hong Kong
7th: Sri Lanka

Kamis, 22 November 2012

KONI Solo Tolak Kolam Renang Tirtomoyo Jadi Hotel

AKUATIK INDONESIA-SOLO–Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) Solo menyatakan keberatan wacana pembangunan hotel di kolam renang Tirtomoyo, Jebres.  Selain memiliki nilai sejarah, kolam renang tersebut dinilai sebagai salah satu ruang publik di Kota Solo.
Ketua Bidang Organisasi KONI Solo, Paulus Haryoto, meminta PDAM melakukan kajian mendalam terkait rencana itu. Pasalnya, selama ini laporan terkait kerugian yang dialami PDAM dari pengelolaan Tirtomoyo merupakan kajian internal PDAM.
“Sebelum dikaji itu, harus jelas dulu. Konsep bagaimana, alasannya seperti apa. Harus ada audit yang jelas. Kan selama ini laporan terkait merugi itu baru internal dari PDAM. Belum ada audit dari luar seperti dari BPK,” katanya kepada wartawan, Rabu (21/11/2012), di Kantor DPRD Solo.
Diutarakannya, ruang publik di Kota Solo saat ini semakin sempit. Jika kolam renang itu diubah menjadi hotel,  ruang publik di Kota Bengawan semakin sempit. Pembangunan tersebut juga dinilai tidak sesuai dengan visi misi Kota Solo.  Lebih lanjut, Paulus mengatakan kolam renang tak harus diubah menjadi hotel jika PDAM berkeinginan tidak merugi akibat pengelolaan Tirtomoyo.
Dia mencontohkan guna menambah pemasukan, kawasan itu bisa diubah menjadi pusat kuliner yang tentunya tidak mengubah kondisi serta kegunaan kolam renang.  Selain itu, agar tak merugi PDAM bisa saja membenahi pengelolaan kolam renang itu. Hal itu bisa dilakukan dengan perbaikan manajemen serta fasilitas di Tirtomoyo.
Sebagaimana diberitakan sebelumnya, kolam renang Tirtomoyo, Jebres diwacanakan menjadi hotel pada 2014 mendatang. Kolam renang yang dikelola oleh PDAM tersebut dinilai tidak menguntungkan.
Saat ini, proses pembangunan hotel di kolam renang itu memasuki tahap prefeasibility study (FS). Direncanakan FS bakal digarap pada 2013 mendatang dan diperkirakan selesai setengah hingga satu tahun. Wacana pembangunan hotel di Tirtomoyo tersebut disampaikan Dirut PDAM Solo, Singgih Tri Wibowo, saat membahas rencana kerja dengan Komisi III DPRD Solo, Selasa (20/11/2012).
Singgih mengutarakan rencana perombakan tersebut mencontoh kolam renang di Cikini, Jakarta yang juga mengalami kerugian kemudian diubah menjadi hotel. Singgih mengutarakan selama mengelola dua kolam renang di Kota Solo yakni di Manahan dan Jebres, pihaknya mengalami kerugian hingga Rp1 miliar.
”Itu didominasi kolam renang di Jebres yang kerugiannya sampai Rp600 juta. Manahan masih memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan, sedangkan Jebres harus ada pemikiran baru karena untuk mencapai PAD Rp600 juta jelas tidak mungkin,” terangnya.(solopost)

Rabu, 21 November 2012

Belum Sempat Diresmikan, Kolam Renang Doeng Cuo Sudah Diserbu Pengunjung

AKUATIK INDONESIA, SRAGEN — Kolam Renang Doeng Cuo yang terletak di Bolorejo RT 001/ RW 003, Puro, Karangmalang, tak pernah sepi pengunjung. Meskipun pembangunan masih berjalan dan belum diresmikan oleh pihak pengelola, tak kurang 300 pengunjung memadati kolam renang ini pada hari libur. Pada hari biasa kolam renang ini dikunjungi oleh 150 – 200 pengunjung.
Salah seorang pengunjung, Sri Sudarmi, 31, kepada Solopos.com akhir pekan lalu mengaku baru kali pertama datang ke Kolam Renang Doeng Cuo. “Biasanya saya mengantar anak-anak ke Kolam Renang Kartika. Tapi kali ini saya membawa mereka ke sini. Lebih enak di sini. Lebih lega dan lebih dekat dari rumah,” terang warga Bahak RT 030 Kedawung ini.
Pengunjung lain, Tini, 36, juga mengaku baru kali pertama mengunjungi kolam renang ini. “Biasanya saya hanya lewat saja karena kalau berangkat kerja saya lewat sini. Dari luar kelihatannya masih dibangun, ternyata kolam renang sudah beroperasi. Jadi saya bawa anak-anak ke sini. Lebih dekat,” jelasnya.
Warga Gantiwarno, Kedawung, ini tidak keberatan dengan harga tiket masuk yang dibebankan kepadanya sebesar Rp5.000/orang. “Harga tiket tidak masalah. Hanya selisih sedikit dari kolam renang Kartika. Yang penting anak-anak senang,” katanya.
Pengelola Kolam Renang Doeng Cuo, Koko Hermawan, mengungkapkan rencana ke depannya kolam renang ini bisa menjadi wisata air bagi warga Sragen dan sekitarnya. “Nantinya kami akan membangun fish therapy, sarana permainan air anak, kafetaria, ruang pertemuan dan fasilitas kesehatan di bagian depan,” ujarnya.
Meskipun belum ada promosi, menurut Koko, saat ini kolam renangnya sudah rutin dikunjungi atlet, beberapa sekolah dan komunitas. “Sudah ada tujuh atlet renang asal Sragen yang berlatih di sini. Rekan-rekan dari Himalawu, Sea Resqus, Komunitas Penyelam Sragen dan beberapa sekolah juga rutin berenang di sini,” ungkapnya.
Kolam renang yang mulai beroperasi Agustus 2012 ini memiliki tiga kolam renang utama. Satu kolam renang dewasa ukuran 20 m x 50 m, memiliki delapan lintasan, dengan kedalaman antara 1,2 m – 2,2 m. Sedangkan dua kolam anak-anak, dibuat dengan kedalaman 60 cm dan 70 cm dan luas 8 m x 16 m.
Menurut pengelola, air kolam renangnya tidak mengandung kaporit melainkan menggunkan sistem pemurnian air yang aman. Pengunjung kolam renang disediakan fasilitas empat kamar mandi, dua ruang ganti dan enam pancuran air. Dua penjaga disiagakan untuk mengantisipasi pengunjung yang belum lancar berenang.(solopost)

Kolam Renang Tirtomoyo Jebres Bakal Dijadikan Hotel

AKUATIK INDONESIA, SOLO, - Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kota Surakarta mewacanakan pembangunan hotel di area Kolam Renang Tirtomoyo Jebres pada tahun 2014. Wacana itu muncul, karena operasional kolam renang tersebut selalu rugi. Tahun depan, PDAM akan menyusun feasibility study (studi kelayakan) untuk mengetahui, apakah wacana itu layak direalisasikan atau tidak.
Direktur Utama PDAM Singgih Tri Wibowo mengungkapkan, dari perhitungan terakhir, operasional Tirtomoyo Jebres rugi sampai Rp 600 juta per tahun. "Karena kerugian yang harus ditanggung terlalu besar, kami berencana mengubah kawasan kolam renang menjadi hotel," kata Singgih, Selasa (20/11).
Menurutnya, hal yang sama terjadi pada kolam renang di kawasan Cikini, Jakarta. Karena merugi, pengelolanya mengubah kawasan kolam renang menjadi hotel.
Hasilnya, ada kontribusi terhadap pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) dari operasional hotel tersebut. "Kami ingin mencontoh hal itu," tutur Singgih.
Meski demikian, PDAM tidak akan gegabah memutuskan. "Perlu penyusunan FS dulu, sebelum merealisasi rencana ini. FS disusun tahun depan. Jika hasil FS positif, hotel dibangun 2014," tuturnya.
Diperkirakan, penyusunan FS butuh waktu enam bulan sampai setahun. Proses itu termasuk pembuatan Detail Engineering Design (suaramerdeka.com /DED)

Senin, 19 November 2012

China Dominates First Day at 9th Asian Swimming Championships

RENANG INDONESIA-Chinese swimming prodigy Sun Yang even without much preparation showcased just why he is one of the best young swimming talents in the world.
On a day when China dominated the results during the first day of the ninth Asian Swimming Championships, Sun Yang broke the Championship record with a display oozing perfection at the 200m freestyle event with a time of 1:45:49 beating off compatriot Hao Yun and Misuzu Yabu of Japan.
In his press conference before the tournament Yang played down expectations but showed just why he won two gold medals at the 2012 London Olympics.
China dominated all events on the first day of the championships taking place at the wonderful Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Sports Complex as they won a majority of the Gold medals just as swimming fans expected.
The country blew away the competition although South Korea’s Chang Gyu-Cheol temporarily stopped China’s dominance with gold in the 100m butterfly as he beat China’s Chen Yin over two laps.
China opened with a gold medal in the very first event of the Championship, the men’s 50m breaststroke.
Xiayan Li opened China’s medal haul beating off Japan’s Yoshiki Yamanaka and Hong Kong’s Chun Yan Wong.
That dominance continued throughout the day barring Gyu-Cheol’s win.
Zhao Jing and Fu Yuanhui came in first and second respectively in the women’s 50m backstroke with Singapore’s Tao Li securing third place and a bronze medal.
Ha Sinan won the women’s 200m butterfly competition before Sun Yang wrapped off China’s gold haul with a brilliant display.
The double gold medal winner will now perform in the 400m and 1,500m freestyle competitions on Friday and Saturday.
Dr Ahmad Al Sharif, the Secretary General of the Dubai Sports Council, Sheikh Khalid Mohammed Al Badr Al Sabah, the President of the Asian Swimming Federation (AASF) and Ahmed Al Falasi, the President of the UAE Swimming Federation launched the event with speeches during the opening ceremony of the games.
China is a swimming powerhouse and also dominated the swimming competitions at the London Olympics.
The tournament will take place till November 25 and fans can get tickets for AED 20 for a day pass while a season pass is available for AED 80 right at the venue.
Dubai organises numerous sporting events throughout the year and is the best location for major events thanks to its brilliant facilities.
The Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Sports Complex has received massive praise from swimmers with Sun Yang in his press conference calling it better than the London Aquatics Centre where he won his two gold medals.

Asian Swimming Championships

In their recent meeting, the Executive Board the hosting of the 9th Asian Swimming Championships in Dubai from 15 - 25 November 2012 with competition schedule as follows.

Swimming Competitions: 15 - 18 Nov.
Synchronised Competitions: 15 - 18 Nov.
Water Polo Competitions: 19 - 25 Nov.
Diving Competitions: 22 - 25 Nov.

H.E. Sheikh Khalid Al Sabah emphasized and requested all National Federations to support the event by their active participation. (aasf)

Kamis, 15 November 2012

Youth water polo teams gear up for 1st World Championships in Perth

AKUATIK INDONESIA-The first-ever FINA World Youth Water Polo Championships (18 & Under) will take place at Perth's Challenge Stadium, in Australia, with the men's competition kicking off December 1 and the women's, December 2, 2012. Both finals will be held on December 9.
In all, 15 women's and 19 men's teams, coming from the five continents, will get to play at the highest level for this age category on the international water polo stage. Each gender category is divided in four groups.
The women's teams are: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, New zealand, Russia, South Africa, USA, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe.
The men's squads are: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Peru, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, USA and Uzbekistan. (fina)

Olympic stars ready for 25m showdown in Istanbul

AKUATIK INDONESIA- The 11th FINA World Swimming Championships (25m) will see over 700 athletes, many of whom are internationally-recognised, and representing 150 member federations, compete in no less than 40 events at the Sinan Erdem Arena in Istanbul, Turkey, from December 12-16, 2012.
The five-day, high-profile event features a though competitive field with Olympic medallists from the 2012 London Games Chad Le Clos (RSA), Ryan Lochte and Allison Schmitt (USA), Ruta Meilutyte (LTU), Mireia Belmonte (ESP), Cesar Cielo and Thiago Pereira (BRA), Daniel Gyurta and Laszlo Cseh (HUN), Michael Jamieson (GBR) and Kosuke Hagino (JPN), to name a few.
Freshly crowned from the 2012 FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup, Kenneth To (AUS) and Katinka Hosszu (HUN) will also be part of the stellar swimming line-up in the Turkish capital. (fina)

2nd FINA World Diving Coaches Conference

AKUATIK INDONESIA-The 2nd FINA World Diving Coaches Conference, organised by FINA and the Mexican Swimming Federation, was successfully held from November 8-10, 2012 in Tlanepantla, Mexico.
Over 100 diving coaches coming from all corners of the world attended the event and benefited from in-depth discussions about coaching and judging techniques in the sports of diving and high diving. (fina)

Senin, 12 November 2012

Kenneth To (AUS) and Katinka Hosszu (HUN), the best in 2012

AKUATIK INDONESIA-Lausanne (SUI), November 11, 2012 – Kenneth To (AUS) and Katinka Hosszu (HUN) were the overall winners of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup 2012, which successfully concluded in Singapore (SIN) on November 10-11. Among men, To finished the eight-leg series on top of the classification, with 195 points, while Hosszu was the first in the women’s field with 186 points. Both winners will receive a US$ 100,000 as prize money.

The Australian and Hungarian swimmers were the dominators of the 2012 season, being the best performers in four legs – To in Dubai (UAE), Doha (QAT), Beijing (CHN) and Singapore (SIN); Hosszu in Dubai, Stockholm (SWE), Moscow (RUS) and Tokyo (JPN). Moreover, the Magyar champion earned an impressive total of 39 gold medals throughout the circuit.

Her compatriot Zsuzsanna Jakabos was the second best (129 points, US$ 50,000) among women, while Britta Steffen (GER) closed the top-3 with 97 points (US$ 30,000). In the men’s field, George Bovell (TRI) finished behind (157 points) To, while the third best of the series was Russia’s Stanislav Donets (131 points).

At the last meet in Singapore, To (win in the 100m IM in 51.50, 957 points), Donets (gold in the 100m back in 49.82, 947 points) and Bovell (second behind To in the 100m IM in 51.69, 946 points) were the best male performers, while Jakabos (victory in the 200m IM in 2:06.41, 957 points) Hosszu (second to Jakabos in the 200m IM, 2:06.78, 949 points) and Steffen (the best in the 100m free in 52.38, 923 points) also confirmed their good shape.  

Overall, three World Cup records were set in 2012 – among women, Camille Muffat (FRA) in the 400m free (3:54.93 in Berlin), while in the men’s field Daiya Seto (JPN) improved the best mark twice in the 400m IM (4:00.12 in Berlin and 4:00.02 in Tokyo).
Finally, Donets and Steffen were the only swimmers in 2012 to have triumphed in the same event throughout the series: in the case of the Russian star in the 50m back (fastest win: 23.14 in Beijing), while the German champion was always the fastest in the 100m free (best time: 52.38 in Singapore).

The FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup 2012 was held in: Dubai (UAE, Oct. 2-3), Doha (QAT, Oct. 6-7), Stockholm (SWE, Oct. 13-14), Moscow (RUS, Oct. 17-18), Berlin (GER, Oct. 20-21), Beijing (CHN, Nov. 2-3), Tokyo (JPN, Nov. 6-7) and Singapore (SIN, Nov. 10-11).  

Sabtu, 10 November 2012

GOLD MEDAL CLINIC1st FINA Gold Medal Swimming Coaches Clinic, what a success!

Sarah Chiarello, FINA Communications Department

AKUATIK INDONESIA-The 1st FINA Gold Medal Swimming Coaches Clinic concluded successfully with more than 200 swimming coaches from a hundred nations. The golden opportunity to exchange ideas, experience and knowledge with top-level coaches from swimming powerhouses like USA, Australia or China was praised by many participants.
The coaches attending the clinic were offered a wide range of visions of coaching, practical training cycles, personal experiences, motivation tips for swimmers, and many pieces of advice on the balance between training and life outside the pool and the relationship between a coach and his athlete.
Lorna Riley, a level-3 swimming coach from Zimbabwe, said at the end of the clinic: "It gives us practical tools to improve grassroots swimming in Zimbabwe and inspires us all to go back." Thanks to her kids who where good swimmers, Lorna Riley started coaching swimming and now manages swimming within the country's Aquatics Union. At the FINA World Aquatics Convention for the first time, she talks about the current situation of swimming in the Southern African country: "There is a shortage of swimming pools so identifying talents is not an easy task." Swimming infrastructures are in many instances the starting point to develop the sport. "It would be good to include coaches of different levels to enrich the exchange of ideas," she added, something FINA will certainly consider for the future editions of the event. (fina)

Senin, 05 November 2012

FINA FAMILY"We will make Aquatics bigger and stronger!"

RENANG INDONESIA, November 1, 2012 MOSCOW - The 2nd FINA World Aquatics Convention drew to a close, successfully bringing together the entire Aquatics community and reinforcing the ties between all players - partners, manufacturers, coaches, athletes and national federations - to bring the development of FINA's sports to new heights.

A number of crucial topics pertaining to the Aquatics movement was discussed on this last day: national priorities for elite sport, financial realities of high-level sport, global markets and new technologies, new trends in coaching and team management.
What they said about the Convention:

Peter Hurzeler, Head of Omega Timing and speaker at the Convention: "This event is a good benefit for all the federations, it's a fantastic and important event to know what's going on in the sport. In my talk, I explained that swimming is the only sport where the athlete can stop his time."

The audience was surprised, realising it is a noteworthy difference. Hurzeler added: "We have a fantastic relation with the sport of swimming because for me it is one of the best organised international federations. Together with FINA, we did a lot of new things; if you're looking at swimming competitions on TV, everybody understands, it's straightforward."

Pierre Lafontaine, Swimming Canada's CEO and National Coach, also speaker at the Convention, said: "One of the thing we could improve is regarding the Gold Medal clinic: for next time, we could have various parts - discussions with successful, top-level coaches but also coaches from countries where swimming is being developed. It would be useful because not all countries have the same needs and means to develop the sport."
"Moreover, I was really impressed by the speakers' commitment in their presentation and the quality of the content," he added.
Ibrahim Wallee and Williams Kyei from the Ghana Swimming Association also shared their opinion on the event: "For us as an association this is one of the best kind of world events we have ever seen. We would like to see more African countries participating; swimming is not developed so much in Africa, especially Western Africa. We feel it is an opportunity for everybody to come and learn, get to know the possibilities available for developing swimming in our country, such as the IOC Solidarity programmes."
At the end of the day, FINA Executive Director Cornel Marculescu spoke about what we have learned from the Convention and we could activate in order to move forward the development of Aquatics worldwide.
"We will activate internally with our various programmes and externally, with our partners from all sides. We will also continue to support financially the participation of National Federations to all FINA events. We want to show the world how big is our Sport and help in the best possible way our Stars," he continued.
Mr. Marculescu also explained that world-class performance at FINA sporting events revolves around four clusters: sponsors and suppliers, broadcasters and media, host cities and Olympic family.

"From now on, the FINA Gold Medal Swimming Coaches Clinic is part of the FINA World Aquatics Convention and we will continue to strengthen this new event." 
During his closing speech, FINA President Dr. Julio C. Malgione said: "Throughout our time here, we have covered several topics, we got a deep understanding of the challenges we must overcome to grow on the national, regional and international levels."
"Within FINA, we are fortunate to have incredible athletes, committed coaches, determined National Federations and long-time partners. Thank you all for being here and we will continue to make Aquatics bigger and stronger!" he concluded. (fina)