Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Reuni Mantan Atlet Dukung Perjuangan Atlet SEA Games XXVI

Kemenpora menggelar Reuni Akbar Mantan Atlet Indonesia di halaman kantor Kemenpora. Acara ini dilaksanakan sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap atlet Indonesia yang akan berjuang di SEA Games XXVI Palembang dan Jakarta mulai 11 November mendatang.

Sekitar 750 mantan atlet nasional yang pernah mengibarkan Merah Putih di pentas Internasional tampak hadir, seperti legenda tinju Elias Pycal dan Syamsul Anwar, pahlawan bulutangkis, Ricky Subagja dan Susi Susanti, pemain sepakbola, Rully Nerre, Petenis Yayuk Basuki dan beberapa mantan atlet nasional lainya. Sebelumnya mereka bersama-sama melakukan jalan sehat berkeliling kawasan sekitar senayan dan berakhir di halaman kantor kemenpora.

Acara reuni mantan atlet diadakan sebab mereka yang pernah membela Indonesia di SEA Games ingin berkontribusi dan memberikan dukungan kepada para atlet yang akan bertanding pada SEA Games. "Ini suatu dukungan motivasi yang luar biasa dari para mantan atlet kita. Semoga dukungan ini bisa memberikan inspirasi dan semangat para atlet kita yang akan berjuang di SEA Games nanti," kata Ketua Umum KONI/KOI, Rita Subowo.

Para atlet yang bereuni nampak bahagia bisa bertemu lagi dan saling bersilaturahmi. Mereka kemudian  menari poco-poco bersama di depan panggung, sementara yang lain menikmati makanan yang disajikan panitia. Sebelum acara berkhir mereka membubuhkan tanda tangan pada selembar spanduk sebagai bentuk dukungan pada yunior mereka.

Mantan atlet bulu tangkis, Ricky Subagja mengaku amat senang melihat para mantan atlet bisa berkumpul. "Kami senang sekali bisa menghadiri acara ini, dan kami semua mendukung perjuangan para atlet yang akan bertanding pada SEA Games. Saya berharap agenda seperti ini bisa terus dilakukan untuk memberikan semangat kepada atlet yunior kita," kata Ricky.

Sementara pelaksana acara ini yaitu Staf Khusus Menpora, Ivana Lie mengatakan semangat atau dukungan yang diberikan mantan atlet ini diharapkan bisa menularkan semangat kepada atlet yang berjuang di SEA Games nanti. "Kita berkumpul di sini sebagai bentuk dukungan semangat, apalagi nanti kita memiliki target sebagai juara umum sebagai tuan rumah," kata Ivana.

Ketua Umum Panitia SEA Games XXVI Rita Subowo hadir didampingi ketua pelaksananya, Rahmat Gobel. Dari Kemenpora terlihat antara Staf Khusus Faisal Abdullah, Asisten Deputi I Amung Ma`mun, Asisten Deputi IV  Sri Safariatun, dan Kabag Humas, Ahmad Arsani. (amr)

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

SEA Games targetkan 20 juta supporter Internet

Indonesia Sea Games Organizing Committee (Inasoc) menargetkan 20 juta supporter bisa memberi dukungan bagi para atlet. yang berlaga di Sea Games ke-26 melalui internet dan jejaring sosial.

"Kami minta masyarakat beramai-ramai dukung `Gerakan Ayo! Indonesia Bisa` melalui portal www.ayoindonesiabisa.com,," kata Direktur Jendral Inasoc Rachmat Gobel usai peresmian Gerakan Ayo! Indonesia Bisa di Jakarta, Minggu malam.

Gerakan ini dilatarbelakangi pelaksanaan Sea Games yang hanya tinggal 27 hari lagi (11-22 November 2011) namun semangat nasional hampir tertutup oleh situasi politik dan hukum yang terjadi.

Gerakan massa "Ayo! Indonesia Bisa" bermaksud menggalang dukungan dari masyarakat luas bahwa Indonesia mampu menjadi tuan rumah yang baik pada pesta olah raga terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan bertanding melawan 10 negara lainnya menjadi juara umum SEA Games ke-26 2011.

"Dukung para atlet yang bertanding agar kembali mengulang sejarah kemenangan Indonesia di tahun 1979, 1987 dan 1997 pada kompetisi Sea Games," kata pentolan PT Panasonic Gobel Indonesia itu.

Dukungan Panasonic, urainya, telah diwujudkan ketika pada 1962 memproduksi 10.000 TV hitam putih pertama di Indonesia agar masyarakat bisa menonton Asian Games ke-4 di Jakarta.

Selain Panasonic, sponsor Sea Games lainnya dari PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk yang diwakili Deborah Sadrach mengatakan, masyarakat agar beramai-ramai mengunjungi portal www.ayoindonesiabisa.com, dan memberikan komentar singkat yang mengobarkan semangat berlaga di ajang Sea Games.

"Unggahlah foto dan video dan memberi komentar singkat yang mengobarkan semangat berlaga para atlet di Sea Games melalui portal ini," katanya.

Pihaknya berharap langkah kecil tersebut dapat menginspirasi berbagai pihak untuk mengembalikan kejayaan Indonesia di laga Sea Games dan ajang bergengsi lainnya.

Sederet artis dan atlet pun ramai-ramai datang pada peresmian ini, mereka antara lain Syahrini, Rafi Ahmad, Pinkan Mambo, Ahmad Dani, Mulan Jameela, Nikita Willy, Uya Kuya, Oki Lukman, Helmi Yahya, Donna Agnesia, Wanda Hamidah, hingga Ira Wibowo.

Sedangkan para atlet yang hadir antara lain pebasket Denny Sumargo, Dwi Handoko, petenis Yayuk Basuki, atlet lari Dedeh Irawati, atlet berkuda Alvaro dan lain-lain.


Pengamat optimistis olahraga Indonesia bangkit

Pengamat olahraga, Ian Situmorang menyatakan optimis bahwa masih ada peluang kebangkitan olahraga Indonesia yang ditunjang pembinaan olahraga oleh Komite Olahrga Indonesia (KOI), dan pemerintah bertindak sebagai regulator dan  fasilitator.

"Khususnya menjelang SEA Games mendatang, semangat atlet harus terus ditingkatkan, dipelihara, walaupun kesiapan sarana dan prasarana masih terseok-seok, jangan sampai hal itu membuat semangat atlet kita jadi menurun," kata Ian dalam diskusi olahraga yang diadakan Yayasan Olahragawan Indonesia (YOI), di Jakarta. Rabu.

Dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Ian mengatakan, pemberitaan tentang persiapan sarana, prasarana dan fasilitas lainnya di SEA Games mendatang, cukup mempengaruhi kesiapan mental para atlet.

Dia mengharapkan, semua pihak agar bersama-sama membangkitkan semangat atlet dan semangat kesatuan masyarakat Indonesia untuk mendukung semua atlet agar mencetak prestasi terbaiknya di SEA Games.

"Sangat diharapkan juga peranan pihak swasta seperti Yayasan Olahragawan Indonesia (YOI), keperdulian YOI akan kehidupan mantan atlet, perlu kita  dukung untuk membantu meringankan beban pemerintah dalam membantu mantan atlet," katanya.

Seiring dengan prestasi-prestasi membanggakan yang tercetak, lahir juga atlet-atlet handalan yang cakap dan piawai. Dari cabang olahraga bulutangkis ada Rudi Hartono, Susi Susanti, Alan Budikusuma, Christian Hadinata, Tati Sumirah.

Sedangkan dari cabang olahraga renang, ada Richard Sambera, Lukman Niode, Elfira Nasution. Cabor atletik pun tidak mau ketinggalan. Mereka pernah memiliki atlet kebanggan seperti Eduard Nabunome, Jauhari Johan. Mereka semua adalah atlet-atlet hebat yang pernah dimiliki Indonesia dan telah banyak ikut andil dalam mengharumkan nama bangsa di mata dunia.

Sementara itu dalam diskusi yang sama, mantan taekwondoin nasional) Ina Febriana mengatakan para atlet harus tetap memperhatikan pendidikan formal, di sela-sela waktu luang, tetap harus mempersiapkan pelajaran sekolah / kuliah, agar pendidikannya tidak ketinggalan, dan ini akan jadi modal pada saat pensiun dari atlet untuk mencari pekerjaan.

"Dalam membantu mantan atlet, Yayasan Olahragawan Indonesia (YOI) diharapkan membantu dalam pembinaan usaha, pengelolaan keuangan, dan bantuan lainnya yang bersifat mendidik, yang bisa jadi bekal kehidupan mantan atlet untuk jangka panjang," demikian Ina Febriana.

Yayasan Olahragawan Indonesia (YOI) sebagai yayasan yang bergerak di bidang olahraga dan memfokuskan diri demi Indonesia Juara, mengerti betul akan aspek-aspek penting untuk kemajuan olahraga di Indonesia. Program YOI berpusat kepada mantan atlet yang kini sedang berprestasi maupun re-generasi, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, dan bantuan kepada mantan atlet yang hidupnya memprihatinkan


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

ARENA SWIMMING WC 2011: Phelps gets second gold, Franklin shines among women

Moscow. The second and final day of the Moscow leg of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup ended with the second victory of 14-times Olympic champion Michael Phelps in the 200m back. The triumph was achieved by the famous swimmer after two disappointing races. Phelps finished second in the 200m free and didn’t make the podium in the 100m butterfly. But that was disappointing only for the audience (for the first time in Moscow the entry to the pool wasn’t free and all tickets were sold). Phelps himself just pointed out that his participation at World Cup is a part of the Olympic preparation. So the place is not so important for now.

"There is a good chance to test myself in a very unusual situation – short course, Phelps said. It is a good experience for me". For the rivals, however, this possibility to swim together with the great champion was very important. As well as the chance to beat him.

Paul Biedermann (GER), the winner of the 200m freestyle commented the race with the folowing words: "The race was very fast. I had to do my very best to catch up with Phelps. I am looking forward to the next event in Berlin, I will try to win that one. I was not able to see if I am ahead or not during the race. I only realized that I have won when I touched the board."

Nikita Lobintsev (RUS) also noticed that the race was very dynamic: "I have to admit that I was not able to see my main opponents. Only at the final turn I caught a glimpse of them. Naturally, I wanted to post a better result, but this is my best at the moment. I guess I deserve to be third."

The total quantity of "host" victories of the Russian swimmers wasn't so big as it happened in previous years. That was easy to explain: it never happened that so many stars swim in Moscow before. That's why the  winners were happy. Evgeny Korotyshkin who won 100m butterfly underlined joking: "It is definitely pleasant that I had more support than Michael Phelps. Phelps is born to swim and he works a lot. Ideally, I would like to win a medal at the Olympic Games."

In the women's field, the competition had it's own hero – Melissa Franklin (USA). On the second day, she got another two victories (100m free and 100m back). Her second race became disappointing for Anastasia Zueva. On Tuesday, the Russian backstroke star finished second in the 50m back (the event she had won at the FINA World Championships in Shanghai) and the next day she was third in the 100m behind Franklin and Rachel Goh (AUS).

Yulia Efimova (RUS) didn't take part in the first day of competition (she just returned from USA and wasn't in good mood) but swam in two finals on Wednesday: 100m IM and 50m breaststroke. The breaststroke race was the event where Efimova should be a strong favourite, but she missed the finish touch and came second after her compatriot Valentina Artemyeva – the swimmer who won the 100m breaststroke as well. That was a real progress for Artemyeva – the swimmer didn't have good results during the last two years.

Therese Alshammar (SWE) won the women's 50m butterfly – the last race of the event. That was her second victory in Moscow, after the gold in the 100m fly. "I like both short and long course events, - she said. Both are great. The short course is more technical. If you make a mistake it costs you more. It is more challenging. There are many races here, it is tough, it is exhausting, but it is also a good practice."


Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Fina/Arena Swimming Cup 2011: Super-star Michael Phelps appears "modest"

Moscow Day 1. At the press conference, marking the opening of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup event in the Moscow “Olympiyskiy” swimming pool, the president of the Russian Swimming Federation Vladimir Salnikov proudly said: "The tickets are sold out".
The reason for the sellout at the competition – a traditional one, held in Moscow already for the seventh time – is Michael Phelps, the most decorated athlete in the world, 14-time Olympic champion. Naturally, a question was asked at the press conference: "Why Michael Phelps is in Moscow? Obviously, he was paid a lot of money to compete here". The question is a reasonable one, Phelps is the Usain Bolt of swimming and the famous Jamaican does not participate even in IAAF competitions without a half-a-million-dollar appearance fee.
However, Phelps, the journalists were told, arrived in Moscow just like everyone else, without any extra payments. Perhaps, he has heard about Moscow competition’s reputation, beloved by many swimming stars from all over the world. The current competition, by the way, is held in the renewed “Olympiyskiy” swimming pool, where starting blocks here are new: now they are state-of-art ones, meeting all requirements and no longer “stealing” hundredths of a second from swimmers at the start.
Naturally, Phelps is the main “attraction” for the spectators at the competition, even because it is easy to fill the relatively small stands of the “Olympiyskiy”. However, the captain of the Russian swimming team Evgeny Korotyshkin thanked the American for attracting interest to the event. “Our task, noticed Korotyshkin, is to gather at the “Olympiyskiy” stands as many kids as possible, future, perhaps, great swimmers.”
That was a kind of surprise for the spectators that Michael Phelps didn’t make the final in the 100m free. Actually there was nothing strange: the level of the results was quite high. Nikita Lobintsev, who won the race in the final, was upset with the absence of the USA star. "If tomorrow I get the lane right next to Michael Phelps it would be fantastic, - he said. - Naturally, I am looking forward to it. But it be will hard to defeat him. I have just returned from a high altitude training camp; I spent 35 hours a week in water. I hope it will bring
its fruits in the nearest future."
Melissa Franklin and Allison Schmitt (both USA) had the same winning time in the 200m free – 1:53.72. Melissa surprised the audience even in the morning when she clocked 2:02.84 in the 200m back. Her final time was slower – 2:03.61 but she still finished first ahead of the strong Russian backstroker Anastasia Zueva.
Zueva didn’t have good luck on Tuesday – she finished second even at her favourite 50m back race where she got the gold at the recent FINA World Championships in Shanghai. The winner Rachel Goh (AUS) was 0.03 faster.
Michael Phelps started twice in the finals and finished first in the 100 IM only. Hidemasa Sano (JPN) and Chad Le Clos (RSA) upset the great swimmer in his pet event, the 200m butterfly.

The men's 50m fly was also surprising. While the audience waited for the duel between the world short course champion Eugeny Korotyshkin and vice-champion of Beijing Olympics Milorad Cavic (both swim together in the same group in Italy) the first place went to Geoff Huegill (AUS, 22.96).


Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

PROFIL: Ambisi Ganda Park Tae-Hwan

Park Tae Hwan (tengah)

Bintang renang Korea Selatan, Park Tae-hwan berharap mampu meraih medali emas sekaligus memecahkan rekor dunia saat Olimpiade London 2012.
Peraih medali emas nomor 400 meter bebas di Olimpiade 2008 ini berharap mendapat peluang di nomor 400 meter bebas dan 200 meter bebas.
"Saya tampil baik di kejuaraan dunia dan Asian Games. Namun rekor saya memperlihatkan saya masih harus bekerja keras," kata Park. Ia kini berlatih bersama pelatih Australia, Michael Bohl.
Perenang berusia 22 tahun ini memenangi gelar kejuaraan dunia pada 2007 dan 2011 dan mengumpulkan enam medali emas di Asian Games 2006 dan 2010.
"Tujuan saya yang terbesar adalah mencetak rekor dunia," kata Park. Di nomor 400 meter ia akan bersaing dengan perenang Jerman, Paul Biedermann dan perenang China, Sun Yang

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Sjostroem shines at home, Le Clos reinforces overall lead

FINA/ARENA SWIMMING WORLD, Stockhome, Swedia. After getting the fastest performance of the second meet of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup in Stockholm (SWE), by winning the women’s 200m free on Day 1, Sarah Sjostroem (SWE) was again in evidence in the second finals’ session, getting the gold in the 100m free, in a time of 52.44. In the 400m free, she got the silver in 4:03.60, narrowly losing the race to Australia’s Angie Bainbridge (4:03.02).

Other local successes in this second and last day in Stockholm included the triumph of Jennie Johansson in the women’s 50m breaststroke (30.05), the gold of Stefan Nystrand in the men’s 50m free (21.70), and the inevitable Therese Alshammar in the women’s 50m butterfly (25.23).

After getting the gold in the men’s 400m free on Day 1, Paul Biedermann (GER), world record holder (1:39.37, since 2009) also in the 200m free won the shorter event in 1:43.44. In the longest race of the programme, Pal Joensen (FAR) comfortably won in 14:52.00. Alexander Dale Oen (NOR), one of the heroes in the last FINA World Championships in Shanghai (CHN), got the title in the men’s 100m breaststroke (58.30), while Zsuzsanna Jakabos (HUN) registered one of the best performances of the day (907 points), getting the gold in the women’s 400m individual medley, in a time of 4:29.65.

Rachel Goh (AUS) made the double 50m-100m backstroke, winning in the longest distance in 57.55, and Jie Gong (CHN) got the best female performance (926 points) of Day 2 in Sweden, by being the fastest in the 200m butterfly (2:03.91). In an interesting duel, Daiya Seto (JPN) beat favourite Chad Le Clos (RSA) in the men’s 200m individual medley: Seto touched home in 1:54.65, while the South African earned the silver in 1:54.93. Le Clos got his only win of the day shortly after, beating the rest of the field in the 200m backstroke, in a slow time of 1:54.33.

Almost in the end of the finals’ session, Therese Michalak (GER) won a close race in the women’s 100m individual medley, touching first in 59.30 (923 points), leaving the silver medal to Canada’s Erica Morningstar (59.39), who had triumphed in the 200m IM on Day 1.

After the first two legs in Dubai (UAE) and Stockholm, the overall ranking is led by Chad Le Clos (41 points – best performer in the United Arab Emirates and third best in Sweden) among men, and by Sarah Sjostroem and Daryna Zevina (UKR), both with 25 points, in the women’s field. The third meet of the FINA/ARENA Swimming World Cup will take place in Moscow (RUS), on October 18-19


Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

FINA World Cup, Stockholm: Day One Finals

THE first day of finals is underway at the FINA World Cup stop in Stockholm, Sweden

Women's 800 free 
Hungary's Evelyn Verraszto picked up the first cash prize of the weekend with an 8:20.78 to win the distance freestyle event for the day. That gave her $1,500 to start off the weekend. Great Britain's Eleanor Faulkner finished in second with an 8:21.19 for $1,000, while Sweden's Gabriella Fagundez took third in 8:37.69 for a quick $500. 

Finland's Laura Lajunen (8:45.01), Rebecca Ekelund (8:49.85), Sweden's Elsa Ericsson (8:51.53), Sweden's Madelene Andersson (8:57.29) and Josefine Hippi (9:00.62) rounded out the final heat of the distance freestyle event.

Men's 100 free
Sweden's Stefan Nystrand captured the first men's check of the evening with a $1,500-winning 47.08 in the sprint event. That's the second fastest time in the early short course season with James Magnussen owning the top swim with a 46.82 from July. Canada's Brent Hayden cleared $1,000 with a second-place 47.27, while Australia's Matthew Abood took home $500 with a 48.16.

Sweden's Petter Stymne (48.35), Australia's Eamon Sullivan (48.36), Portugal's Tiago Venancio (48.77), Sweden's Lars Frolander (48.93) and China's Shi Yang (49.31) also competed in the finale.

Women's 200 free
Sweden's Sarah Sjostrom and Australia's Angie Bainbridge pushed each other to new heights as Sjostrom (1:52.92) and Bainbridge (1:53.03) posted the top two swims in the early season thus far. Kylie Palmer had owned the previous top time with a 1:55.07 from July. Sjostrom became just the eighth member of the sub-1:53 club by downing Josefin Lillhage's Swedish record of 1:53.55, while Bainbridge nearly clipped Palmer's Australian record of 1:52.96 from Worlds last year. Germany's Daniela Schreiber rounded out the podium with a $500 1:55.44.

Hungary's Zsuzsanna Jakabos (1:56.34), Great Britain's Rebecca Turner (1:57.13), Sweden's Ida Marko Varga (1:57.23), Sweden's Petra Granlund (1:57.51) and Sweden's Gabriella Fagundez (1:57.96) finished fourth through eighth.

Men's 50 breast
New Zealand's Glenn Snyders touched out Norway's Alexander Dale Oen by nearly the slimmest of margins, 27.04 to 27.06. Meanwhile, Norway's Aleksander Hetland placed third with a $500 27.13. Germany's Marco Koch just missed out on adding to his $5,000 from Dubai with a fourth-place 27.47.

Sweden's Jakob Dorch (27.56), Niklas Tour (27.89), Korea's Choi Kyuwoong (28.11) and Canada's Andrew Poznikoff (28.35) also swam in the finale.

Women's 100 breast
Sweden's Jennie Johansson gave the hometown crowd a second straight female swim to cheer for with a 1:05.27 to capture the $1,500 check. That swim pushed her to third in the early season standings, while China's Sun Ye placed second tonight in 1:05.65. Korea's Kim Hye Jin completed the podium with a $500 1:06.18.

Japan's Kanako Watanabe (1:06.44), Australia's Sally Foster (1:06.52), Sweden's Joline Hostman (1:06.88), Korea's Darae Jeong (1:07.92) and Norway's Katharina Stiberg (1:08.13) made up the rest of the championship field.

Men's 400 IM
Sporting a pink cap, South Africa's Chad Le Clos became the first person to clear $10,000 during the World Cup circuit this year. With his 4:03.10, he pocketed another $1,500 check – his seventh so far, to move to $10,500 for the series. That swim smashed his previous top time in the early season rankings of 4:04.58 from Dubai. Japan's Daiya Seto claimed $1,000 with a second-place 4:03.33 for second in the rankings, while Hungary's David Verraszto posted a $500 4:03.45 for third in the rankings.

Japan's Yuya Horihata (4:09.83), Germany's Marco Koch (4:18.07), Great Britain's Matthew Johnson (4:18.34) and Sweden's Erik Persson (4:23.81) made up the final heat, while Japan's Hidemasa Sano drew a disqualification.

Women's 100 fly
A previous overall World Cup winner, Sweden's Therese Alshammar hammered the 100 fly with a top time of 55.99. That swim came up just half-a-second shy of her all-time third-ranked Swedish record of 55.53. China's Lu Ying finished second in 56.44, giving Liu Zige's Chinese record of 56.13 a run in the process. Sweden's Sarah Sjostrom cashed her second check of the evening with a $500 56.95 to move her overall winnings to $2,000.

Norway's Ingvild Snildal (58.31), Sweden's Martina Granstrom (58.43), Sweden's Petra Granlund (58.90), China's Gong Jie (59.02) and Germany's Theresa Michalak (59.23) also competed for the title

sumber:swimming world magazine

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011



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AASF 2011: Renang Optimistis Dulang Enam Emas

Indonesia yakin akan meraih enam medali emas SEA Games 2011 setelah mendapatkan sembilan medali emas pada kejuaraan renang AASF Asian Age Group Championship di Jakarta, Kamis (13/10).

Pelatih Tim Renang Nasional Indonesia, Albert Sutanto mengatakan target memperoleh enam emas SEA Games mendatang bukan hal yang sulit. "Target kita memperoleh enam emas dari putra, saya yakin itu bisa, kalau untuk tim putri tidak ada target namun diharapkan dapat mencuri satu atau dua emas," kata Albert.

Albert mengatakan, nomor-nomor yang diharapkan dapat menyumbangkan emas untuk Indonesia adalah 50 meter dan 100 meter gaya punggung dan gaya kupu-kupu, 4x100 gaya ganti estafet, dan 50 meter gaya dada.

"Saya yakin target itu bisa terpenuhi, pada kejuaraan AASF kali ini kita berada di peringkat lima pada perolehan medali berbeda dengan AASF ke-6 di Jepang, kita hanya mendapat dua emas," tambah Albert yang juga mantan perenang nasional andalan Indonesia itu. 

Albert menambahkan bahwa nantinya beberapa nama yang diharapkan dapat meraih emas adalah Glenn Victor, I Gede Siman, Niko, Indra, Guntur, dan Triadi. 

"Pada hari terakhir ini, kita berhasil menambah tiga emas, itu membuktikan kerja keras anak-anak sangat luar biasa," kata Albert yang juga mengatakan bahwa sesungguhnya pada kejuaraan ASSF itu tidak ada target untuk perolehan emas bagi tim renang Indonesia

Tiga medali emas yang diperoleh pada hari terakhir kejuaraan AASF dipersembahkan oleh, I Gede Siman Sudartawa pada 100 meter gaya punggung putra untuk kategori umur 15 sampai 17 tahun dengan catatan waktu 56.77 detik. 

Emas kedua dimenangkan Raina Saumi pada 200 meter gaya kupu-kupu putri untuk kelompok usia 15 sampai 17 tahun dengan waktu dua menit dan 17.80 detik. Dan yang ketiga pada 4x200 meter free relay untuk kelompok usia 18 tahun keatas yang dimotori oleh Enny Susilawati, Patrisia Yoshita, Katrina Mela, dan SherlyYunita. 

Pada kejuaraan AASF kali ini, tim Indonesia menduduki posisi kelima dalam perolehan medali, dengan sembilan emas, 15 perak, dan 19 perunggu. Berdasarkan data dari situs AASF, posisi pertama diisi Jepang dengan 48 emas, 17 perak dan tujuh perunggu.
